Okay, so I'm trying to make a "Left4Dead" infection map. I'm doing it on either Last Resort or High ground. I was just wondering about doors. Does anyone have any ideas or tutorials or examples of them? Basically, I want it able to be opened/closed at will (From the inside) but not too hard to open from the outside. I don't know if this is asking for too much. Also, if you'd like to help with this... Feel free to friend me.
You could put a receiver node on the inside of the room and put a pallet leaning up against it from the outside...then it would be easy to open on the inside, but harder to open from the outside.
Hmm a map I played on on highground used a sliding mechanism, where they had a thingy (weapon case lid i think...) that was propped up by teleporter nodes, and from the inside could be easily bash-slid into place, bud form outside took considerably longer. It worked rather well.
You can also put something like a dumpster in a sleeve (walls, sender nodes, whatever) and have a deployable grav lift on the inside. set it to open the door, destroy it to close the door. There are some un-spawning and double-spawning things that can happen to the dumpster, though.