I like the number 10 one best, where he sticks the 'hog wheel. someontell me how to put it on here please? [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83_DJ5CGtqk[/youtube]
Nice. There were some really cool ones on there. While there is always an element of luck in long distance grenade sticks, you have to know where to throw em. The grav lift ones are just silly. #1 deserves it, but what were those guys doing down there at that warthog?
I think some of them were staged, but briiantly madeto look like they wernt. I meen, how he hell did #1 get that? But they are all pretty cool.
I've seen this b4. They were all pretty good. Especially the across-map-man-cannon stick one. Nice =]
Number one had to be staged I can tell... Number two was nothing special to me at first but then I saw from the enemies point of view and that was my favorite. Ha nothing better than a lucky toss.
#1 is obviosuly staged because; Why would the 'hog be prked lik that? Why would all of the team be around the 'hog like that if they were supposed to be fighting? Why would the guy who threw the sticky have aimed a little more when he throws it. (when he looks up, he moves sightly to the left as if he knew where to throw and stuff.)? Just plain Why does he walk around as if waiting for the medals after he throws it?
I've stuck a plasma to a warthog wheel once before in a game of BTB. It didn't kill them though, only launch them a few hundred feet. It's not that hard though.
I did that once too. Its really funny to watch the plasma grenade spin and spin around, then blow up, especially when the warthog was full and it had my flag.
The one on Construct in the golden grav lift was pretty funny. Lol what are the chances that he would get 2 in a row?
I threw a spike grenade once on Last Resort that went from the needler by the blues shotgun to the front of Camp Froman. It landed at the base of a warthog turret and I got a double kill because there were two people getting into the warthog when the grenade landed. I want to post it on Bungie but I should change the camera angle first.
They key to getting distance on sticks is momentum. If you start running forward then throw it, you can get some distance. I really don't think number 1 was stages because they were playing a VIP game (he killed the VIP). The people were probably down there trying to protect the VIP and were planning to do some damage with the warthog. I had seen this before, and they are all pretty cool except for number 3. I don't get how that is on the list. I average about 2 or 3 of those a game on Construct.