
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SCUPizzaBoy, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. SCUPizzaBoy

    SCUPizzaBoy Ancient
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    Interwoven is an indoor map designed for One Flag, One Bomb, (Team) Slayer, and Infection. It features three floors requiring the offense to fight their way to the top. Defense can quickly deploy from their base to any floor though shortcuts.

    Click pictures to enlarge. More map details three posts down.
    (There should be 11 pictures here. Please refresh if they all don't appear.)

  2. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Ok.. firstly, It's cool you made a letter 'E' with your pictures, but it comes at the cost of viewing them easily.

    Secondly, you could definately use a bit more of a description. What weapons and equipment are on this map and where can they be found?, What party size would you recommend for this map? (or did you even test it?), Where are these 'shortcuts' and how do they work?
    -Stuff like that.

    I'll leave on a good note however.. what I can see of your map looks very nice. I think this post just needs a bit more effort and you may attract some more people.
    **thumbs up!**
  3. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    bad pictures need sorting!
  4. SCUPizzaBoy

    SCUPizzaBoy Ancient
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    The pictures show as a two rows of four and a row of three on my screen.

    The map focus more on close range with some medium range weapons. 1 Shotgun, 1 Sword, 2 Maulers, a few needlers, assault files, BRs, spikers, SMGs, basically anything a player could want except long range.
    The map is equipment heavy, with 20 second respawns on most equipment. All the equipment is well placed so there is always a way for one team to counter what the other team is doing.

    I would recommend 8 people, but I have played in 1v1 and 12 people matches just fine. 13+ may be too crowded and may get some spawn complaints. The map has been heavily tested and has underwent many revisions to layout, spawn, and weapon placement.

    The main shortcut of the map is a drop near the top floor base that leads straight to the bottom floor base. Camping is prevented there by a sideways shield door covering the whole.
  5. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Perhaps you should edit some of those details into your original post.. and you still need to enlarge your pics. They are incredibly difficult to see, especially for someone as blind as myself.
    [​IMG]Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
  6. SCUPizzaBoy

    SCUPizzaBoy Ancient
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    Pics can be enlarged by clicking on them. 11 huge pics would not be fun for a dial-up user.
    Also, the details are only 3 posts down, it would seem redundant to list everything twice within three posts.

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