Map Title: Master House A house that I made.I got the inspiration from Bart's Manor.Bart's Manor helped me with the roof,pool,and other stuff,and I am not trying to make one that's better than Bart's Manor,I just wanted to make one of my own. Download Map:Master House Download Gametype:Search&Destroy Description: It's a really cool house,one of my best creationsI wouldn't even have this map if it weren't for Bart's Manor.The gametype Search and Destroy is off of Call of Duty 4,place the bomb in any location in the house,and gaurd the bomb,sorry,there was no setting to have a point if everyone on the opposing team dies,so all I gotta say,stay alive for 30 seconds. By hangman3745 By hangman3745 By hangman3745 By hangman3745 By hangman3745 By hangman3745 Mostly by xSTOxHangman,a little done by Tien102.
Did you use any part of barts manor map for this. If you didnt than good job but needs more pics of inside and around it.
It looks like you used alot of aspects from Bart's manor on this one. Not to say thats a bad thing, at least you drew inspiration from a deserving map. I have to say that alot of it looks original too.. Would like to see more pics tho. Also it would be mighty generous of you to tell us exactly what your gametype is all about. **thumbs up!**
It's great that you went back and edited your post to make your thread more attractive, but please try to refrain from double-posting. You could have just as easily gone back and modified your last post just as you did your main post. **thumbs up!**
It really doesn't matter one bit to me if you started from scratch or not. Don't just blatantly copy a map, at least integrate much different ideas. And yes, this really is a copy, it looks to similar, especially with that pool, to Bart's Manor. If a map immediately reminds you of another map when you pull up the page, and it isn't a remake, there is somehting seriously wrong.
This looks like Barts Manor got a house expansion! This looks like a bigger version of Barts Manor and I like it
If you think I took Barts Manor and redid it,I didnt,and the pool is in a different place,this is my first house,dont expect it to be war,if one is starting.I just made it,like it or not?