Map Link: Download Vertkwest Suggested Gametypes: Conquest, One Bomb, One Flag, Juggernaut. Map Haiku Conquest is real fun, But where's the 3rd dimension? Ooh! And grenade holes! Overwiew: I had so much fun on Faction that I decided to try my hand at a conquest map. So thanks to Wakko and Furious D for the inspiration. Vertkwest is a pseudo-vertical conquest map at heart. It features teleporter/turret boxes {a la Faction}, multiple contact points, and some nice aesthetic touches... so you have something pretty to look at from the death-cam. I'd suggest 4v4 or 5v5 for territories on this map. Vertwkest also changes subtly for asymmetrical games such that small (2v2 or 3v3) asym. obj. games are possible. Screenshots and Description: Grenade Ports My objective while making Vertkwest was to have as many 'contact points' as possible that didn't allow side-crossing before the center point. This is the first of those (technically there's one on the top, spawning level, but nobody ever uses it). Feel free to toss some grenades through the holes or snipe at your retreating enemies. Correct use of these ports will help your team out significantly. [img width=600][/img] Spawn Area Vertkwest is a 3-tiered map. You spawn on the top level. Here it is. The spool can be rolled down to the second level to clog up a grenade port if you so choose. You'll find some plasma rifles, a BR, a mauler (with only i clip), and a brute shot up here... as well as some grenades. You can also get back up here via grav lifts on the second level. The first territory point is up here. [img width=600][/img] Second Level Here's another angle of the second floor. Please note the lovely diagonal walls. The second level has a sniper rifle, a BR, 2 smg's, 2 magnums, and some grenades for your shooting pleasure. The second territory point is in the middle of the second floor. [img width=600][/img] Bottom Level Once you've captured your second territory, you should head downstairs to the bottom level. The two sides of the map are initially separated, but those fusion coils make short work of the pallet wall. The teleporters lead to raised turret platforms. [img width=600][/img] Broken Down Once the pallets are broken, let the shooting and grenade bouncing commence! There's a pair of spikers and a frag grenade down here more than happy to comply. [img width=600][/img] Topview Voila the point of contention: the middle territory. Thanks to Neverless Wonder for setting up the general geometry of this area. There's a regenerator here to help your team hold out. And during asymmetrical games, you can get up to a sword spawn (at the cameraman's position in this pic). [img width=600][/img] Turret's Syndrome If you want some extra firepower, you can go through the teleporters and get to these nasty little turret boxes. The cure for turret's syndrome: a grenade... they're rigged with propane tanks. You can only get out of the turret-box by crouch jumping, which means you have to drop the turret before escaping... costing precious time. I realize that turrets aren't a standard conquest weapon (and neither is the regen), but they seemed to fit in with the flow of the map. [img width=600][/img] Map Link: Download Vertkwest
Looks very interesting. I am definitely gonna check this one in more detail since from just the pics and text, I have no idea how the layout works whatsoever lol. Seems pretty darn awesome. Forge-gasm at this wall.
Awesome. I love all the interlocking you used, you're pretty champion at it. I'll DL on tuesday, when the Heroic Map Pack will finally be within my grasp. Off topic, I'll add this to the list of maps I need to add to Forge Gallery. Procrastination has gotten the better of me .
For me at least it doesn't satisfy my urge for conquest. However it is an extremely well forged map, I just don't feel that it holds true to the traditional feeling of conquest. That's just me, don't let it stop teh rest of you guys from trying out this map, it is awesome, I just don't agree that it is a conquest map.
I just don't get it. You're able to post these fantastic maps so rapidly that you can finish at least five before I finish one. You must have yourself a group of magic, hairy gnomes or something that do the work for you while you munch on tasty cakes or something, because this is just unfair . I've got it que'd, I'll edit my post with a review whenever.
The staircase made out of single boxes is pretty cool, but not very practical. You have done some amazing things in this map. Its a shame that some of them cause other areas of the map to look ugly. But well done anyway. 9/10 for appearance, but it will probably be a 10/10 for gameplay.
OMG! I forot who I was for a second there. The problem has been dealt with. Thanks... I like to think the map has a unique feel to it. And glad you like the wall. The layout is difficult to depict, but basically you zig-zag down to the middle-bottom and then zig-zag back up. Well I could make a map that's identical to all the other conquest maps. But I wanted it to play different... mix things up a bit. Not to say I don't like the 'traditional' conquest map. I do. I wish I had been able to make a sort of half-spiral staircase up to the second floors... but not enough resources. The staircase has to do. What other areas look ugly? Just so I know. Thanks for the fast response to the maps, folks. I love FH.
Cosmic, on the 2nd picture, those walls you used for the zigzag stick out. Also on your single box staircase, you can see that one of the boxes isnt perfect. Also going back to the 2nd picture, one of the double boxes at the top of the image leaves a gap. Dont take those mistakes harshly. Im just answering your question. They wont effect the feel of the map at all. Just small things. Every map has them.
looks amazing Cosmic. You never cease to impress. If you dont invite me next time you have a conquest game going, so help me god i'll... well, i won't really do anything drastic... just be very, very sad.
That's why I asked you. No worries. I kept the 'sticky-outy' wall corners on the top level because I liked how it looked, so that's a preference thing. And I couldn't bring myself to spend the time to interlock the top boxes, since they don't affect the gameplay at all. So yeah, those are ugly. Lol. Luckily you don't have to look at them much. I'm getting more and more requests to help people out with their own maps, which is flattering. But I don't think I'll be hosting lessons anytime soon. There's nothing in any of my maps that a look through forging 101, some patience, and some practice can't get done. Feel free to send me a pm, though. I'll answer any questions I get (unless I get flooded) to the best of my abilities. Send me a message if you see me online and I'll see what I can do.
this reminds me of the first halo on the first level when the door closes and the covenant are shotting at you [img width=800 height=450][/img]
LOL I didnt expect you to actually teach me, but your maps are amazing I might end up pming you the link to the next map I'm releasing, to see if u have any suggestions If that's ok with you of course
See, now that's something I might actually do. All you other would-be random-inviters and help-askers, take note. Anyway, PM me if you have something to say on that topic. Let's leave this thread to be about the map.
I agree On the map: Those single boxes that are interlocked sticking out of the wall, do they serve a purpose, or did u just do that for a cool look?
They allow you to jump up to the sword in asymmetrical games. In conquest, though, they just look pretty.