
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Apr 26, 2009.


    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Players: 10-16

    All because sandbox is out dose not mean that foundry shall be left behind. As a matter of fact, it well be a long time before i even think about not making maps on foundry.

    OK so here we go. Some of you know me as the guy who made the bunkers/buildings for infection game types. I mean thats what i master in, right? Well i guess that means you know what this next map is going to be for! Yes I know, another infection map...... BUT hold on there before you make sad judgment's, because this map has something a little different then all my other infection maps and most others that have been posted in the past. I know its funny when i say that considering that things like that have been said before, hell i said that same sentence in the last map post i did. But was i wrong when i did? :D OK so with more of a post toward the map and not my self!

    Now i have done geomerging in the past maps before. But the geomerging in those maps were more like a box here and there. But NO, not this time people. This map is what i would say is literally all geomerged. You ask wait what? What you mean? I mean that every box wall or some other form of immovable object is merged in the map geometry. For a little for understanding of what i mean, ill give you a visual example.


    Do you see what i mean yet? Well if you don't, just know that it looks like that all the way around the map. Hopefully you well get the understanding as you move down the post.

    So now iv have tested this twice now, and crazy enough is that i only had to go back in forge once to change 2 object re-spawns to never. Yes I am that good people. With that being said, you can infer that the game-play is worth your time DL and maybe getting a few games going. If I were you, I would DL this in a Heart beat lol! Sorry I'm bragging about my self again. rofl!

    So on with me telling you how this map works and what makes this a great scare for infection lovers <3. WAIT, I got a good idea to help tell this! Ill go ahead and tell you by showing you pictures! :D

    So again notice my geo skills! In this pick, it is actually showing you an overview of the size this map offers. Big huh?

    A very big part of this map is knowing how to get in side. If you don't know how to get inside or even where to find the entrance's, The game has now been killed in all ways. all entry ways but 1 have a coil door, or a door that explodes when you want it open. to open these doors, simply walk up to the propane tank thats laying between the barriers and hit/shoot it so that the chain reaction can take affect. There are 3 types of these doors that are around the map. be sure to know where they are. They save allot of time.
















    The game-type I use is very casual. What i mean by that is that the zombies are fast and week. Radar is on and humans get what ever they want where ever they want to be. Their is no alien weapons on the map. Only human guys are placed and ammo is limited. 5 minuets each round 5 rounds a game. So the point? LIVE!
    More pics well be posted at the bottom.

    Note: Changes WELL be made to fix any problems in the map/game-type.
    The best >>>>>>>> Foundationz.
    #1 IxXROADKILLXxI, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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  3. slimryepie

    slimryepie Ancient
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    it looks like a decent enough map. but u sound pretty self involved. try to tone your pride down a little. but the map is pretty fun
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You have a weapon list?

    Map looks beautifully merged, but you can't say all geomerged, since not all items are merged with the map geometry. Maybe all merged and interlocked, but definitely not all geomerged.

    Looks like you spent a lot of time on this and looks very well forged. I'll possibly download later when I make space on my hard drive... gotta project I'm finishing up and need the remaining slots for saving my creation... unless that other idea knocking at the back of my skull gets me to work on that, too.
  5. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Finally, someone who agrees with me.

    Anyways onto the map, I love the feel of the map I'm getting from what I can see. This is one of those infection maps that I'd actually want to DL, it's well forged and it's not one of those infection maps where the human is virtually invincible. Seems well balanced and looks like you may get lost in the tunnels haha.

    Great job on the map. 5/5

    P.S. Keep forging on foundry! Remember, foundry's not dead yet.
    #5 Urban Myth, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Well I don't think a weapon list is needed, and I did not say all objects are geomerged. I said that all Immovable objects are geomerged. But when you get the chance and space after your done with your map. I would like to ask if you can get a game going just to be clear that all immovable objects are geomerged ^^ Tell me what the game-play went like too please :)
  7. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    Explore's score #2

    Pros-You geomerged all immovable objects. It may not affect game play that much but it is nice.
    -nice creativity with the doors involving the barriers and propane tanks.
    -Nice large map with lot's of places to go.
    Cons-Your post does not talk about your map. Talk about the layout of the map and tips about moving around the level quickly.
    -Talking about geomerging for half the post makes you sound cocky.
    -Your game type seems a little too easy for the humans.

    Overall-4.6/5. A very good map that will get many downloads. You have made a beautiful map that will eye-open most people. The map deserves many downloads and is deserved to be posted on Forge hub. Better then 95% of the maps placed on Bungie favorites.
  8. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    nice map! its been a while since your last and i9 was waiting for you to post another infection map. this is definately your best so far and the geomerging makes it nice, i love how you can pretty mucyh get lost in there with all those crazy fences and stuff. 5/5
  9. The Crusader

    The Crusader Ancient
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    Wow great geomerging and playability. its a little unfair for the zombies though. 4/5
  10. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    thank god its the weekend and im allowed my xbox again!

    Tbs another GREAT creation of yours and again i also agree with you that sandbox isnt all that great and foundry is still a classic.

    the only thing im worried about in the game is, how weak are the zombies?
    because starting as a weak zombie SUCKS.

  11. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    So you're telling me you graded his map down because of his post? Your cons are supposed to be about the map, not the post. And when you say his gametype seems to be too easy for the humans, the keyword being seems. How can you just come in here, and grade him down for something that seems to be whatever you think it is. Aren't all infection games supposed to be easy for the humans? If you make the zombies to tough, 50% of the people posting here will hate it for it being to hard for the humans. If you make the zombies weak, 50% of the people posting here will hate it for it being to hard on the zombies. There is no way to please everyone. Also, quit rating maps in the decimals. It's pissing me off. Either 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Just round the .6 to 1, and give him a bloody 5!

    On to the map Roadkill, I love all of your maps, and this seems to be no exception. Although you can't quite say all immovable objects are geomerged either, you can say all objects touching the ground are geomerged. Because I don't think you geomerged the objects stacked on top of the geomerged objects.

    So this map plays out like most of your other maps, correct? I'll make sure to download this when I get back home from school! I've been looking for some infection maps to please my parties of 8. Competitive maps just don't do it anymore. The only problem with your Bunker maps however, is the humans always tend to leave the base, and go into one of the two corners of Foundry and camp.
    #11 Conkerkid11, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  12. Blood of the Fallen

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    From what i've seen and heard it sounds like a pretty good map, but buddy, its not that hard to make so you may want to stop sounding like you think your the best, no one likes people who are full of themselves over a half standard infection map, so just next time try to not make out your the best ever and that interlocking and such is the hardest thing in the world. but anyway, i'll give it a 4/5.
    #12 Blood of the Fallen, May 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2009

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    OK I'm going to let you and everyone else know thats saying this right now. please UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING. me acting like I'm all that was not a serious statement and was used as a goofy personality to present my map. SO PLEASE STOP TELLING ME THAT I SHOULD NOT BE SO SELF INVOLVED b/c i really was not! Thank You.
    #13 IxXROADKILLXxI, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  14. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I love and hate this map at the same time. I love the looks and feel of the map, but I hate the gameplay. Well, I don't hate it, but it's too cramped and confusing. My friends kept getting owndededed by the zombies because they had NO idea where to go, and kept asking me how to get out of the rooms they were in. Maybe for a v2 you can make everything MUCH less cramped and just add some big rooms. Great job on the aesthetics, though. How everything is geo'd, that shows you put a HELL of a lot of effort into this.

    Map: 5/5
    Gameplay on map: 3/5

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    I can see where you are coming from. Friends of my own both loved and hated infected cave b/c of a similar reason. Not every one like the tight small feeling while getting dizzy from trying to find out where on foundry they are. But hey, the funny thing is thats what i aimed for on this map. Idk i like confusing claustrophobic feelings when playing infection maps/games. I try to expose what i like in games when i make maps, thus not everyone well love it. When you get a chance, try and look around the map to get a familiar feel of the map layout, But thats of course if you want to :p
  16. xXDeepStabXx

    xXDeepStabXx Ancient
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    This looks amazing! I hope you receive tons of downloads!
  17. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    TBS great map once again i really enjoyed playin this map with you this weekend, i didnt find any problems with it until for some really stange reason i managed to spawn in the no entry zone by commiting suicide but thats like a 1 in 1000000000 chance of happening again. other than that strange occurence the gameplay is well thought out uts almost inpossible to camp considering you have cover in each room and about 2 entrances into each aswell
  18. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    This map is simply beautiful. This is a certain download for me once I get my 360 back. (Even if I have to make a balanced gametype for it..)

    Just one thing: Not all of the immoveable objects have been merged, but they have all been either merged and/or interlocked. So yeah, nice job on that, even if you spent half the post talking about it. The operateable doors are always nice to see, too. =)
  19. MachM1217

    MachM1217 Ancient
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    Its a great looking map and all. But I checked it out and played it and it didn't really work out that well. The humans camped the doors and the zombie could never get through. Plus, as a human, it was really hard to get around everywhere. I needs to be cleaned up. It should be easier to get from point A to point B. Because of that, we ended up just staying in the first building we could get to that was a little safe. The place is as if you had one idea then just kept building on it but you never deleted the support beams from one section to the other. It needs to be cleaned. Other than that, it looks pretty good.

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    Wow. The geomerging of this map is awesome. Unfortunately, it looks like it could be difficult for both humans and zombies. I'll DL and get back to you.

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