his head's coming out of nowhere, although the flow is good, and the lighting is a little off. looks good otherwise, you also might wanna crop its width a little on each side
Well his arms were everywhere and took up space, I left them for a while but decided that I didn't like them so I smudged them out.Yeah, I might try the cropping thing later.
Great work, one thing I would change is just revealing a little more of the render, other than that it's a nice piece, you should try adding text.
i think i agree with lock, other than that it has very good flow and i see no problem with the lighting a lil unrelated but how did you get that "explosion-ish" effect?
Add me to MSN I can help you with effects and such, Icecikle might still be on a break, so PM/MSN me or w/e you can, vivid explanations can be given.
Yes I am...I'm feeling much more up to it though, maybe next week. But, um...I'm gonna try some of these, but I gotta start over so see you in a few.
it looks like a floating head, just sitting there... And the render looks low quality, or just badly render'd. Colors are decent, but for the first time; i suggest you use the splatter technique, i really would like to see what it looks like with it.