Gold Rush

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gunnergrunt, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Gold Rush
    "Fight for your share of loot in this crowded gold mine. Conquest. 4-8 players. By Gunnergrunt."
    -By Gunnergrunt


    Gunnergrunt's Conquest Guide
    The Book of Conquest
    Complete Gametype description: Conquest
    Conquest Featured Library

    Gold Rush is my entry into Xforgery's April Forgery Challenge. The contest is XF's version of a Conquest Forgeoff, like the one seen on Forgehub. So this is obviously a Conquest map, but this one is unique. It is designed specifically to eliminate assassinations during the game. It is also smaller than most Conquest maps. Gold Rush is best for those days when a large party is difficult to pull together. This map plays well with 4-8 players, but I recommend 3v3. Gold Rush is also my first Conquest map to follow a strong theme.

    2 Bruteshots (1 spare clip, 90 seconds)
    2 Battle Rifles (30 seconds)
    4 Spikers (10 seconds)
    4 Plasma Rifles (10 seconds)
    4 SMGs (10 seconds)
    2 Frag Grenades (30 seconds)

    The weapons placed on Gold Rush were chosen for the maps design. The bruteshot is perfect for damaging enemies around the curves turns in the map. The plasma rifles compliment the push and pull style of gameplay, because they are used as a sheild breaker. Plasma weilders rely on their teammates for cover. When their cover is eliminated, they get pushed back until their team arrives again. The SMGs and Spikers are the standard support weapons. The large clip sizes encourage longer charges and fights. They are the core of the gameplay. The Battle Rifles, when paired with the Frag, is great for the curves turns in the mine. Just throw a grenage at the wall to bounce it into the next territory, then follow it up with some headshots. The weapons on Gold Rush can be used for strategic plans and gameplay.

    Gold Rush, as already mentioned, is best played with 4-8 players. I recommend 3v3, but the number of players will depend on your style of Conquest games. Larger parties make the game faster, but also more crowded. Set the party up according to your personal preference.

    Gold Rush features an unusual layout, but it still plays like Conquest. Because there are no corners along the main path, assassinations are nearly impossible. If you are someone who gets frustrated with the assassinations found in many Conquest maps, Gold Rush is for you. Territories will only be captured by bruteforce and strategy, so put away your ninjas.

    Most 5-territory Conquest maps utilize all 5 territories, but the first territories on each side are rarely captured. In this map, the starting territories are even harder to capture. For this reason, only the middle three territories will be fought for. But if you think your team can capture all five, you will need to use some of the strategies mentions later on.

    Gameplay on Gold Rush is fast-paced and simple. Because of the rounded turns, the push and pull affect is very strong. When sheilds break, players retreat around the turns, just out of sight to let their teammates advance. This keeps the center of action in constant motion. Most fights take place between each door, or choke point.

    Gold Rush was built in only three sittings. Because the map was well planned before the forging began, it was only a matter of placing the objects in their correct locations. The layout of the map was built first using large and tall blocks. Then the grass floor of the map was added using tin cups (this was the most time consuming step, because I had to get rid of all the flickering lines and keep the floor smooth at the same time). Next, I built the roof and inserted territories markers. Once I was sure that the territories worked with the layout, I began the details. I used columns for the gold pieces protruding from the walls, and I interlocked bridges to make the ceiling more mine-like. After that, I placed my weapons and spawn points. I included respawn areas to eliminate any spawning problems due to the small map size. Then I ran it through some test, made adjustments to the map, and tested it some more!

    Strategy and Tips
    [COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=3]Gold Rush involves more strategy than most Conquest maps. For the first battle, I recommend grabbing the frag grenade and battle rifle. Throw the frag against the wall in the center territory before you engage the enemy with the battle rifle. This is a good way to obtain control the enemy's second territory ealy in the game.

    You can also "cycle" your team to maintain control in the tunnels. When the sheilds of the players on the front lines break, order then to retreat to the rear of the group to recharge. Then have the undamaged players get into the direct action. Repeat the cycle to keep your team alive.

    When capturing the second territory on each side, it is a good idea to send at least one player into the starting area as a distraction. This will buy the other team members a few seconds to capture this tricky territory. This trick is especially useful in the final seconds of the game.


    [COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=3]A sketch of the map's layout. The blue shapes are the territories.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=3]Here it is again, now forged. The territories are represented by the arches over the grass.

    Red side starting territory

    Red side entrance into the tunnel


    From the second territory into red starting area

    Same tunnel, further back

    The central territory


    Blue side (notice the eye-catching weapon placement)



    Second territory on blue side


    [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=5]Action Shots
    [COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=3]Fight at the second territory choke point[/SIZE][/COLOR]

    [SIZE=3][COLOR=SandyBrown]5v5 is fun too![/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [URL=""][SIZE=7]Gold Rush[/SIZE][/URL]

    #1 Gunnergrunt, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  2. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    This map looks beautiful, and I know from your previous maps that you certainly have a good grasp on Conquest and how it worked. Queued, and expect this to come up in my next custom. I'm also glad to see that this is your first map to follow a distinct theme: themes can be very slight, but they give your map some meaning and give them a reason to be played. I'd much prefer a map with a distinct purpose than a map that's just for the sake of playing some bland default games on.
    #2 H3C x Nevz, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I did a Forge-Through of this the other day (from XF) and I loved it. The aesthetic value you implemented into the map was very creative and it payed off. Using up-side-down tin cups as the floor was ingenious and having tiny bits of the columns poking through the wall looks amazing. I really felt like I was in a gold mine.
    I also love the layout. I have never seen a curved Conquest map.
    I have yet to play the map, and I can't wait to get a few games on it.
    Invite me if you're ever going to play it Gunner - GT - AceOfSpades0707
  4. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    but the low ceiling worries me about grende spammage
  5. Oruska

    Oruska Ancient
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    And I like to be able to jump around
    but this is sure to be a favorite of mine! DL NOW
  6. Dead in ten

    Dead in ten Ancient
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    For the first map I've seen from you this is a great first impression :)

    I have no complaints, going to DL for some customs, I like the curves + grass was a sweet idea. May have to try that on my map lol

    If i find anything else i do/dont like will be sure to add.
    #6 Dead in ten, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  7. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I'm glad you like it AceOfSpades0707, i'll invite you to some games this week! same goes for anyone else who wishes to play this map with me

    There isnt a problem with grenades. Just use the curves to your advantage. And remember that conquest has a 75% damage modifier so grenades arent nearly as powerful as normal

    The low ceilings also aid the non-assassination element of the map. It is difficult to jump over a large group of enemies which is a problem in most conquest maps
    #7 Gunnergrunt, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  8. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    I like how you modified the SMG placement, when i played it before looked sorta bad.
    The ascetics look really nice as well, from the wooden ceiling to the gold stuck in the wall. Just one question:
    Why is there grass in a goldmine? lol
  9. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    aww, im a jumping kinda person when i play halo3 =] oh well but this is an awsome looking map. i like how you put some stuff through the walls so it looks like tiny pieces of gold, and great title, fits exactly in with the gameplay adn the map. my thought was at first with the game play was grenades, but it seems you can use the walls to an advantage and its 75% worth of damage, so thats good. i didnt see anything to critisize, so great job with the map. DL
    #9 iTz Longshot, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  10. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    wow, speak of the devil, i played this with AZN FTW a few minutes ago. This is my favorite of your maps, the weapons are really great, i really like the spiker spawns by the door. The best part is definitely the astethitichs, espsially the gold on the wall. But why the hell is there grass in a mine shaft? Oh well, the main different between this and all your maps is that you actually have a theme, witch is great. The gameplay is phenomenal. AZN was owning our team to the first territory, but we managed to get our way to the third one, then again i spent 90% of the game looking at the astethichs So that dosen't really count. I hated how i couldn't jump over my enemies head for assissinations like i always do. But that's the point of the map, I liked how the starting spawns went back so it's like a spleen, but i barely used that part ,even when we got pushed back. Let's try and get a game this weekend. And 5 v 5 should be recommened, even though someone fot 2 exterminations with the bruteshot.

    5 why is there grass in a mine shaft? out of 5

    Best conquest map on sandbox award for u!
    #10 penguin asassin, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  11. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Sweet, another conquest map from t3h mastar of conquest. Question: In the 11th pic, what objects did you use to create the outline of the brute shot?
  12. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    WOOT i won penguin's best sandbox conquest map award! I saw you posting and i hoped you would have something to say. I always appreciate your comments because you always test the map first. I'm glad you got AZN to play with you as well. I haven't had the chance to play it with him yet. Oh, there's grass in the mine shaft because i ran out of dirt hills. Only kidding, it was the closest to a natural ground texture there was. Plus, when you shoot the ground, little coulds of dirt puff out. I think i may recommend 5v5, but not until i have tested it more. Personally i like really intense, fast games like that, but I have to appeal to the general majority of conquest fans as well. But thanks penguin I'm happy you enjoyed that map! Hopefully we can get some games in this week!

    I used a column, but layed it on its side and lined it up with the large block so only the outline poked through. I like to call it the "National Geographic Bruteshot"
    #12 Gunnergrunt, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  13. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    I think this map is just amazing. The aesthetics are great and I love the grass, the ceiling is really nice and, well, I just can't wait to play it. Queued and 5/5
  14. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    This is by far the best conquest maps without spike or plasma grenades. Seriously, this map doesn't need them (the low roof would make spike greandes really deadly and the plasma nades would make easy multi kills). I seriously don't get the whole grass in the mini shaft thing, but it looks nice to say the least. =)

    This is the only conquest map I've seen my friend want to DL for me to play while I have no xbox. Great job, it was a very fun map.

    Oh, by the way, the "gold" coming out of the walls limits bouncing the frags off the walls... I had a bunch of fails with that...
  15. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
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    Map looks really good! Great use of tin cups of grass. 5/5
  16. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    DUDE, this is epic gunner, even the drawing layout on the paper looks epic, i see you used the grass map effect and it worked out pretty well, ill see if i can get the Testers guild to look at this.

    a little off topic: OMG LOOK AT ME IM A TESTER GUILD MEMBER im all blue and red and gray and **** lookitlookitlookit YAAYAAYAAA WOOTWOOTWOOTWOOT.

    [recovering from lightheadedness from screaming] so ya, this looks great, excellent job 5/5
    #16 R0FLninja, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  17. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    This map is absolutely fantastic looking. Another great creation by gunner grunt.

    The brute shot holders are awesome.
  18. aDeAdHeRo875

    aDeAdHeRo875 Ancient
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    Gunner you out did your self on the aesthetics.

    however when i played this it was really easy to win 4-1 or to loose 4-1, there was a extreme camping ability on this map when i played it. however that could be fixed, idk how but it can since you know more about conquest then i do. , i think i'll leave it up to you to fix that.

    i love how you put so much detail into the gold and how it follows a theme.

    you see i did a sandwich lol good bad good.
  19. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Wow this is amazing. Just like Artifacts, it's such an aesthetically cool conquest map. And how most of the floor is grass? *Forgasm!*
    Also just little touchs like the flaky roof with wooden planks
    ...flaky? wow I am weird. Anyway I DL'd and this is sure to stay in my Hard Drive for a while.
  20. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Alas, it has been posted! Playing this map with you and others was a balst. According to you, I was the first one to see this map fully completed. Yay! This map has amazing aesthetics, as well as great gameplay. Like someone in our party said, it doesn't feel like Sandbox. Sandbox has a bunch of huge stone **** all over the place, but you've sucessfully given this the gold mine feel, were there such a thing. Well, you've made another great conquest map before I can finish mine, you little bastard.


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