I just figured out that there's actually a better way of making race tracks a little bit smoother by interlocking it. But my big question is, how do you interlock and geomerge twist and turns in a racetrack. For example you're making a racetrack in the SkyBubble in Sandbox and you have to make it float by stacking boxes or either doing the save changes method. Interlocking objects to make the steep turns would sound almost impossible but I know it's not based to other racing maps I've seen before. Can anyone help me learn Interlocking and Geomerging? It can really make my maps better than it is already by adding this technique to it. My Gamertag is JayFlipZideX. I'll be on Halo 3 most of today. Thanks
I have been wondering the same thing, it would seem like a memory thing, but that would take FOREVER. I would like to know also.
You make a box float then place respawn points on it's corners and stuff then place it at start no.... then go back in and use the respawn point guides and place another box
I don't use respawn points and never have. I have always used a double wall. I float one box at the desired height and angle, save and quit. I then place a double wall direclty on top of the object. Make sure it's ligned up perfectly on top. I then late spawn the piece below. I always set the late spawned pieces to 180 seconds. Next place the next piece up against the double wall. Turn the new piece in the direction and angle you want. Save and quit. It takes some practice to interlock correctly. You will have to experiment with different angles and such.
thx man..whats your gt. i tried your advice and kinda made a map of it.. mines JayFlipZideX add me. thanks again