[/URL] Typhoon By oO SLiK Oo Recomended Players:1-16 Gametypes:Best for any Battle Tracks Gametype & Racetracks Note:I worked on this track since the mythic maps came out.I got no ideas form anyone,Except Spectacular Ra gave an idea on a tunnel.When the map was in construction i shows it too, x DREAM 76 x, iTz Flair, JNewComb, Hunted Trilogy, Paulie Walnutzz, Agamer93,HadzardXx,Rogue Shaddo,Yo Mommas Foot, Insane54,HT Konakid904, and Sir Toppum Hat1.Dont ask why so many.But i worked about 35 hours on the map. Discription:This is map best track.My goal was to make a double wide rollercoaster and this practically is it! Firt you go into a giant steep drop and smoothly go down into a dip, then go into a giant left banked petzel turn (as i call it) then up a hill, Dip down a little dip then go into a bigger drop into a tunnel and bank turn to the right and dip down and up then you do it over again.Lol.But the orniginal map name was Cali Cruise but thats going to be my next track for several reasons which i cant so because i dont want know one to take my ideas again.The track is about 33 seconds long but very fun.Before people complain about not that much athestics, the reason why is because that the track is very big and i hit the OLN and made me sadface.So thats why its like that. There is bumps in the map because how i alternated the banks i had to lower it everytime with a new peace because i had to go another derection.So thats why i did like that its still smooth.So please DL it leave some feedback thanks!99% Smooth Pictures [/URL] Starting point [/URL] First hill/drop [/URL] Dip [/URL] The Petzel [/URL] Overview of Petzel [/URL] Another Hill [/URL] The Gaint Drop [/URL] Gaint drop with tunnel [/URL] The last bank turn [/URL] Goal Point [/URL] Overview [/URL] Overview [/URL] Bottom View [/URL] Dualing Drops [/URL] Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! [/URL] OMG Again Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! [/URL] Tunnel Special Thanks x DREAM 76 x:For helping me touch up some stuff. Spectatular Ra:For Giving me the tunnel idea. JNewComb and iTz Flair:For video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOMdddX1lZ8 Please Download and leave feedback Thanks you! Download Typhoon Download Battle Tracks
*First* That look absolutely amazing! Definitely downloading and playing this right away. I'll get back to you.
This looks f**king amazing! This has got to be one of the best made and longest tracks I have ever seen. I will definitely download this because I have a feeling it will be super kicka**!! Oh yeah. I forgot: Spoiler FEATURE NA0!
There is no doubt that this should be featured. This is by far the best racing map on sandbox to date! On some of the banks, I thought to myself "how do you not flip over on that?" It has clean interlocking, amazing visuals/aesthetics, and seems to play great for battle tracks. This is just a map full of purified awesomeness and Needs to have a price tag it's so good. 10/10!
This is currently my favorite track of all time. To say you did a good job would be an understatement. It reminds me of Meltdown, but more insane. Loved the lighting effects and the power drops. Battle Snipes was really fun when we tried it the other night. I can't really think of anything that need to be fixed. I feel that this should be featured, and if the staff has any sense they will consider the matter. Great job 5/5
This is definitly the 2nd best map ive seen (2nd to quantum). The track looks amazing and the pretzel is definitly cool.
pesoanlly i never found the interest of downloading/commenting/or even seeing threads about halo3 tracks, but by the looks of this, i am going to download and try it out. nice title to it, awsome curving, over lapping each other, insain drops and turns, its just amazing. i also agree with X DREAM 76 X this is feature worthy.amazing job
Good Job No doubt the BEST Race map I have ever seen but when a good thing comes there is always a down side. . . one word: GRAMMAR, I know most people will flame me for this but really Gaint? you mean giant 1000000/5 a great map : )
Just weeks after Tabularium is released, you poop out another amazing map, this time back to racetracks! I am truly impressed by this map, it is by far the best racetrack to date in my opinion. I would give a nice juicy review but I don't have time, so I suppose this little paragraph will have to do. The interlocking is completely PERFECT and honestly, I cannot think of any criticism for this racetrack. I did happen to like the name dust stream better but I suppose this is will do. The dualing drops is a spectacular idea and gameplay on Battletracks = epicwinsauce. Overall, this map is outstanding and well deserves a 5/5 rating. FEACHURE NAO!!! PS: The video will be done by today and expect it to be on the B.net blog sometime soon!
This is EPIC. I'm DL'ing this instant! (after I clean my que list). By far the best race map I've ever seen to this date! (4/26/09 1:20 PM) Very nice! 25/10 EDIT: Que list cleared DL'ing now EDIT2: On the map when you DL it's called 'Thypoon'. You might want to phix that.
oohh, this looks very good. One problem though is the starting gate isn't facing the way your supposed to go on the track which makes awkward for starts. An easy way to fix this is to float the starting platform above the main track. Also, there should be grav lifts on the finish line to prevent cheating. Still 5/5 though
Do you honestly think SLiK would have published a map with a cheatable goal point? Please DL the map and see how random your comment is. I like the start the way it is. That's why there is an arrow there to show you have to make a right. It takes more skill this way. Besides drop starts tend to slam you down, which is not good.
Yeah I know what you mean about drop down starts lol... I loved this map and it was great for battletrack / lasers... except for the fact that god4 kept assassinating everyone and we kept getting spawn killed it was alot of fun lol... The whole thing is smooth and like you said in you'r post when I was racing it I thought of it as a rollercoaster.. I love it =) 5/5
Craziness. That's what this map is. But in the best way possible. The steep hills and turns are amazing and always a blast to drive on. The track is really smooth for the extremity of it. I'm glad to see you managed to fix the checkpoint without causing problems elsewhere. This really does look and feel like a roller coaster. Amazing. Aesthetics: 10/10 Gameplay: 9/10 Creativity: 10/10
Wow slik this map is definitely, in my opinion, the best Sandbox track made. This track is so smooth and I just love the rolling hills that you have and is just perfect. The map was very fun for all battletracks gametypes and I think this track is even bungie favorite material. Great job. 5/5 Oh yeah, those tunnel ideas were nice huh!!! lol
OMG SLiK this map is amazing, i know how hard you've worked on this and its truly came out to be the most *AMAZING* track yet. 1,000,000/5 This is an amazing track and needs to be featured NAO!!!!!!!!!! Typhoon = EPIC tater tots!