All you MLG pros out there that think your so good, try playing halo without auto aim. We'll see how you do. You think you can get a 4 shot with out auto aiming towards someone? I don't think so. And I'm not talking about the option that you have that your able to give your cursor centered. I am talking about when your near someone your aimer creeps over to the guy. So, if you want to be REALLY good, start up a custom. Whatever gametype. But it has to be teamed. Have everyone with you on the same team. You won't have an auto aimer on them. If you can learn to four shot someone like this, you will be able to four shot anyone easily. Just practice this and you'll be good in no time.
Try melee-ing your own team. It's solid hard. But this is a good strategy. They should take auto-aim out of MLG to make it even hardcore-er (or rather "more hardcore")
I thought melee was just made like that, so it would be harder to betray your team mates and make it easier to kill them at close quarters. I haven't really noticed auto-aiming on guns though. Mainly in campaign.
I used to think the same, but then I ran into many annoying times where I was BR'ing someone and an enemy ghost or something would shoot past in between us. It often draws your reticle off the head of the opponent you were shooting at, and I've lost BR battles that I should have won because of it. This is a good point, I've done some customs like this and, whilst it is frustrating not to have auto aim, it does make you a better shot no doubt. It helps your sniper as well as BR, kinda obviously I guess since this is the other main precision weapon. I've noticed the benefits, and it has good sides even beyond improving your aim in battle. There was a game recently where the same old thing happened: It was a slayer game on The Pit, I get to the sniper first and some butthurt guy on my team starts shouting at me for taking 'his' sniper. He's AR'ing me in the back whilst I walk away trying to ignore him, then he makes the mistake of saying he's much better with the sniper than me. I swing round 180 degrees and no scope him in his Elite face in less than a second, no auto aim there as he's my team mate. One shot, fired as I was still turning, dead center of his annoying face. As he waits to respawn I decide to rub a little salt into the wound: "Oh so I suck with the sniper do I? Have fun respawning".
nice, Peg. This reminds me of back in the H2 days when I would throw down on some Legendary campaign on Outskirts with the Blind Skull on. That made me a f-in baller back in the H2 days. I should get back to that.. Ill probably try this out. There used to be aim-assist settings you could adjust back in H2.. but they dropped in when H3 came out, sadly.
Yeah, I have to admit I clipped it so I can FS it and recommend it to the guy. Probably going a bit farther than was strictly necessary, but it was like the 5th game that day where someone had tried to kill me for taking 'their' sniper, so I was kinda at the end of my tether. And yeah, I didn't even play much H2 and even I miss the aim-assist settings amongst other things, silly Bug Nee.
Just to correct everyone in this thread, you guys are referring to reticule magnetism, not auto-aim. Reticule magnetism is what causes your reticule to stay centered on enemies easier than on team-mates, auto-aim is what allows your shots to hit your enemy even if you're reticule is barely, or not even on them. For an example of extreme auto-aim load up a custom with a guest on the opposite team, grab yourself a plasma rifle and place the reticule so that it is as far to the side of your guest as possible whilst still being red. Pull the trigger and watch as your shots magically home in on the poor soul with out you even aiming at them properly... Just thought i'd point that out, now you may continue with your discussion...
I truthfully don't see the point in this. Typically speaking, this has the potential to make your BR unpredictable in a negative aspect. Not being to auto aim concludes you trying to whip around a Battle Rifle crossing your fingers to shoot your ally that betrayed you before. If you ask me, you use a sniper for that stuff Anyway, to stay on topic, why would we want to practice four-shotting without autoaim if we get autoaim in matchmaking by default? This concept seems a little unpractical. The best way to practice your BR in my opinion is host a five-player FFA without any other weapons but a Battle Rifle on the map. Practicing never fails, and practicing more... practically definitely adds to that concept. Adjusting to no cross hair magnetism (thanks Ivory) and then readjusting to it would just seem like a drag for me. To make me not sound like a bad person, I love doing this with snipers though. As far as I know it really helps. It seems to me that the "autoaim" isn't as strong with the sniper.
This does seem to be the case for me as well. I don't know if it's actually possible, if the auto aim is a constant value or differs for each weapon, but it still seems that way. I guess it could be to do with the reticle size or something random, either way I see the logic in having a weaker auto-aim on sniper, wouldn't want things being too easy now would we? .
That'd make sense, because the Rockets "auto-aim" is pretty strong. It messes me up in RR from time to time and I shank shots pretty badly due to it. Id be willing to stake money on it being directly related to reticle size.