Hello this is my first map posted on FH and I spent about 6 hours making and 2 hours testing this map. This jump map includes a few normal jumps, a lot of late crouch jumps, a few bounce (slide) jumps, 1 fusion coil jump, 2 radar jammer jumps, 1 unique radar jammer jump, 3 slide up jumps, and 3 obelisk jumps. This map includes a checkpoint system so once you get to a certain spot, you can unblock the teleporter incase you die (map takes place in the Sky Bubble). Made by Ix Unseen xl and JACKDupKaNg3r00 ***Gametype IS required to play the map*** Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Now for screenshots The Start. Checkpoints go: Blue, Red, Camo, Overshields, Custom, Purple. Start - Checkpoint 1 *Hint* For some reason the first jump of the map is the hardest... Ironic isn't it? Checkpoint 1 - 1.1 Checkpoint 1.1-2 I gave directions because the pic is a bit confusing Checkpoint 2-3 Checkpoint 3-4 *Hint* Looks can be deceiving Checkpoint 4-5 I love wedges Checkpoint 5-6 *Hint* Try slide jumping Up Checkpoint 6 and end *Hint* Who said radar jammers cant float? Try using them multiple times. ***Gametype IS required to play the map*** Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Made by Ix Unseen xl and JACKDupKaNg3r00
Beat it with some friends. The hardest part had to be the very first jump. Then, after that it's just a bunch of jumpjumpjumpjumpjump. These kind of obstacle courses get really boring. Especially when there is no aesthetic value to it.