Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO I just took a second look at this topic and was completely appalled by how negative, and how many, the responses were. This is the type of thing that should NOT happen in this community or any like it. It IS okay to give constructive criticism. However, it is NOT okay to completely downtrod, diss, or make such insipid comments about someone's map and or gametype or ideas for any reason whatsoever. I know that that is against every forum on the planet's rules(excluding the rare and obscure forums that encourage that horrible behavior). I am extremely dissapointed in the derogatory remarks on willshire's post, especially that by one of the guilders themselves, meaning TheYaviMayan. It is completely wrong to say that someone is copying ideas, or anything for that matter, from someone else. Unless the map is called Guard Fence and lets say that it's on Foundry, AND is an extremely widespread map, AND is NOT, I repeat NOT something that EVERYONE thinks of and plays, like zombies for example, as in it is relatively original to begin with, and someone releases a map called GuardFence that is nearly, if not IDENTICAL to the map that was originally put out and called Guard Fence. It completely immoral to say that anyone is copying someone's map when it's say on Guardian(the "copied"/"original") and the map made by the wrongly accused "copier" or "stealer" made a map on let's say, High Ground, especially when it is a type of map that is common to the general populous and will likely be remade no matter what map it is. Has anyone ever noticed how just about all zombie maps are the same? How the holdout places are almost always in the same spot? How the holdout places are usually the same except for a few differences? How Cops and Robbers used the same places in every map? How DARE any of you do this. This is a community of people with the same goals(supposedly), which are to provide enjoyment to the rest of the Halo community and ForgeHub itself and to make maps and games for everyone else to enjoy!
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO ^^^ blah blah blah. Criticism can be negative. Deal with it. If everyone kisses your ass and babies you through life, when you get to the real world you're going to have a very rude awakening.
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO Let's admit it, most people hate it when there are idea is copied, but lets face it everything has been done or will be at one point in time. The idea is not original, but this is the first time I have seen it used on this map, and also the first time I have seen it being opened by the push of a button. So what your idea was copied, as long as they say it isn't the original.
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO Agree'd. If I made something that sucked, I'd rather have someone tell me it sucked than having someone lie to me. As for you, rockstar, you're overreacting. I don't see any particularly "downtroding or dissing" comments other than the very casual "this idea has been done before" comments, here. I'm sorry if you can't handle other people's opinions without having a meltdown. A little more on topic, though, it looks to me like you just overfortified each base and put a one-time-only jail inside. I can see three outcomes of a game like this. One, an entire team gets stuck in jail playing Team Slayer and the game breaks down. Two, both teams rush the opposing bases to open the jails and the game plays out like a standard "base war" game. Three, people get sent to jail, only to pitch and fit and leave the game, defeating the purpose of freeing them. Although using the openable doors as a jail is a clever idea, I can't see myself downloading this map. I'd rather just play Cell Block instead. ~Jakester1024
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO The point he is trying to make is that Criticism isn't negative, but should be helpful to the mapper. Don't come into this forum to rip on other people's works, come in here to find new/fun maps and help out the maps that aren't so great. What jake did is fine, he helped the mapper in his own opinion, and gave good advice. The ones who are saying "LoLz OLD MAP u sux u copeid mah map!1!1!!!one!!11" is unneeded and is simply spam.
Re: Prisoner, A new style of HALO OK Im kind of confused on how some of you read the title "Debate of What kind of Criticism is accepted" cuz I know I didn't change It and I'm pretty sure it still says "Prisoner, A new style of HALO." Also on the topic that I copied the idea: I didn't play cell block w/e until after I made this map. When I thought of this idea it was totally original in my head, even though it's been done before on the board. Also for anyone to say that I actually copied Cell block w/e my map would have to be on the pit and use the same system. Just because my map uses a jail type system, doesn't mean I copied Cell BLock, especially since I hadn't played cell block till after I made this map. So I didn't copy the idea, or anyones map. Also I give full respect to the creators of Cell Block, They made a great game. I just didn't copy them though. ps: I do prefer criticism but I don't want it to be just this map sucks, or you Copied. Say something like this map sucks because... Same way goes for saying the map is good, Don't just say it's good, say its good with a reason.