Sandbox Hexic sniper

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by hobo man, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. hobo man

    hobo man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (This is my first map on forge hub)


    Map name: HEXIC SNIPER

    Map: Sandbox Skybubble

    Creators: classicalmuffin, x I AM GreeD x, hobo maan and o0 Wo0dy 0o

    Map Size: huge (2-6 FFA) (2-4 teams of 4)

    Gametypes: ffa snipers, team snipers

    Description: HEXIC SNIPER has 6 bases none of which are the same, they all have there own advantages and disadvantages over other bases. the bases make the shape of a hexagon which is why the map is called hexic sniper this is a good snipe warm up map.

    snipers only
    #1 hobo man, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  2. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you need to sort out your screenshots. u cant simply post them from bungie. u have to upload them to another site i use once uve uploaded them to there, u have to copy and paste the codes into your thread. its confusing at first but once uve got the hang of it, its easy!
  3. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    pleas embed you pics by downloading them from bungie then uploading them to photobucket and copying the img tags into your post

    Or try

    this will be locked in 24 hrs unless fixed

    No more posts please

    EDIT - posted at same the time as above
    #3 ezekeil20five17, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  4. hobo man

    hobo man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thx for the site. any better now?
  5. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yup that alot better :) i made the same mistake on my first post lol. is there a way to get from base to base?
  6. hobo man

    hobo man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i couldnt make a teleport system that worked as there are to many objects on the map or i would make a br version of the map but i think this map plays well just snipers and spawning on random bases
  7. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    Based on the screenshots that you have given I have decided to download this map and give it a shot (because I am one of the best snipers for my rank).
    What I like:
    I like the cover. You put the perfect amount of cover in each base. The bases are pretty far apart which makes it a long range sniper map. Your creativity has also earned you another point. These look like your ideas because I have never seen these bases before. Playability looks ok but I can't tell unless I know about the spawn system but I will give you another point for that anyway. You also can't go from one base to the other which is good because that takes out a lot of problems like spawn camping and other stuff. Finally, each base looks different and allows each player for a different challenge in which they have to adapt to the new layout.
    What I don't like:
    Forging: Based on the screenshots, the bases look tilted which takes off on the overall impression. I am not taking off any points because this is purely based on the screen shots. Plus, it is not that bad of a thing seeing as you have creative bases but you might want to get that fixed.
    Besides forging the only problem I see is:
    Without good spawning this could really hurt your map so here are some questions I have. If I am playing team snipers:
    does my team spawn with me or on separate bases in the beginning?
    does my team spawn on one side of the map or do we spawn at random bases in the beginning?
    do we spawn in behind cover or is there a chance that we will be spawned killed?
    If I die while playing team snipers:
    do I spawn on the same base that I died on, or on another base?
    do I spawn on a base occupied by the opposite team?
    do I spawn with my team?
    do I keep spawning on the same 3 bases that are on my side?
    General questions:
    does the game support multi team snipers?
    This is a great map from what I have seen and if you could answer my questions that will be great. If you feel like these are good questions then put them in your post and answer them (use the quote button and only include the questions and not what I like/dislike). I give it a 5/5 because I feel this map is excellent. I have also added some tags and you might want to do the same. I hoped this helped.
    #7 whitehalo3, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  8. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's a good concept for a map, but it's more of a casual map rather than competitive. I would have posted it in that sub-forum.

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