I have never posted a map before so please bear with me if i do not get all the things right. This map is called Throne because in it, it has a giant throne with OS on its seat that does not spawn at the beggining of the game. This map is one of my 1st creations on Sandbox. Right now it is only set up for Team Slayer and CTF. Here is the link to it: Throne Please Leave Feedback
great layout. maybe neaten it up in a version 2 and dude make a list of weapons. other then dat pretty good in my books. 3/5
yeah, i am working on a v2 right now, i am not that great at forge, but i will try to smooth it out in v2
try and merge the blocks to make it neater and make a list of wepons and mybe have another verson of the map where its 1bomb and the bomb is on the throne 3/5
yeah i am not that great at forging, but i will work on it and make a v2, and i will make a list of all of the weapons
yea great layout and original idea.... i like the idea of one bomb....next time just merge-interlock more and it will maur map look twice as good 3.5/5
Id take out that double post if i was u, or ull get an infraction =[ as for the map: the layout looks good, but i can see from some of the pictures that certain parts look messy and un-neat, for example the flooring seems to be very bumpy, and would disrupt gameplay by making u bounce around. Also if u could add a weapons/equipment list which includes, spawn times of each weapon/piece of equipment, and how many spare clips they have, we could get a better feel for how it might play. good effort for a first map 3/5
Have you ever heared about these things called "tubes" in Sandbox? You might want to put some in your maps. . . Just kidding, Great Map