Question: Best method for geomerging on Sandbox...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Storm 59, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I'm wondering if there's an easy way to geomerge things on Sandbox. In Foundry, usually a door would be used to force a box into the geometry of the map, and hold it there.

    In Sandbox, however, there doesn't appear to be an easy way to do this. Is there something I'm missing?

    Or do i just have to go back to interlocking objects before forcing them into the map?
  2. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    Try using the shield doors to push objects into the map geometry.
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Doesn't work Version2; Storm you're correct, there is no item that works the way doors did on Foundry. You'll need to go back to the classic technique, which many people think are more accurate, by interlocking with another item and using that item to push it into the geometry.
  4. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    Or you can wiggle the objects into the sand in places where there is sand if you force lets say a double box into it it will sink in and you can save quit.
  5. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Heh, accurate sure... The problem is that it takes so long. Usually i just make a draft of the map which I'm trying to make, and go back and fix up any messed up parts later. Now I spend so long on the drafts that... well you know.

    Anyway, thanks for your help mate.
  6. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    Please tell me this is a joke.. please, tell me it's a joke.. You have no idea how sad things like this make me, however that is ignorance for you. Anybody reading this, do NOT "Wiggle the objects into the sand" it is highly inaccurate and will make for a very shoddy, badly made map.
  7. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    If it works then it works. I did say "easy way to geomerge" and that's certainly one of them =P. All i really need is a way thats quick for draft of maps anyway.

    So chill Jzzkc, it aint the end of the world.

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