i have an air based map already built on sandbox(in the sky bubble) and now all i need is a warthog/other ground vehicle map. anyone wanna help(?) ,or you can just vote on the poll and i can take care of the rest.
i'll bring them to matchmaking when they're ready. i want to show them a few basic tricks in the warthog/other ground vehicle first. then we'lll move on to Online gameplay.
I would go with sandbox w/lasers blocked. That opens up a huge area outside of Sandboxes main location, then set up some stuff all about to maneuver around. Just my opinion on it.
ok, i'll get the blocked off version and start on it later. i still need to train them in doging lasers and such. ill do that on sandtrap (the mine field) and on Valhala(the jumps to doge people with Splasers.)