Those are in order of favourites.. any advice, favourites, cnc would be appreciated EDIT: a couple of new versions... im liking the first one.. EDIT:
That's what an edit is for, Knight. Anyway, it's alright but I don't really see the rainbow colors he's walking on fitting in with the backround color... thing. Nor the transparent second gentlemen walking atop it with said rainbow colors. S'good though.
yep its SOTW. and sorry Domi, i was in a hurry and i spaced. so im gonna expirement with it today, should i try removing the smallest guy and... should i have transparent or not transparent behind the rainbow thing?
Actually, the white. Because I tried doing a signature similar to this, and having a transparency, but the site's colors didn't exactly support it. Anywho, blur the guys that distract from the focal.
hmm, i was going for the total vector work.. im about to finish a newer version that i like.. i might try it though. thanks for the help though EDIT: updated with two new sigs..
I the like the new one the best out of them all. The more "gentlemen" adds to the surreal look of the sig. I think a complete vector would look decent, but I'm not sure if it would be better than the current ones. As for the blurring, don't do it. Personally I don't see a need for a focal. As you look at the picture you eyes slowly move from the large man, up the lines, and to the rest of the sig. It flows amazingly.
sweet that was what i was working for, i really like it! but can i please get opinions on the white background or not behind the lines? ive gotten opinion from reaper and frag and im still a little confused on it
It looks out of place compared to the grungy background, but if the whole thing was white it would look really good. It's really whatever direction you want it to go it.
Looks to me like there's a bit too much dead space at the top and on the left, could try cropping off the top 'n left up to the largest gentleman stencil but that would mean getting rid of the top-left 'gentleman' figure and text.
i could move that in.. il try it and edit it back, but i do see what you mean EDIT: EDIT2: this is the one i like the most so far: