
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by sleeper7642, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
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    This is my first attempt at making a puzzle map. Don't be fooled by the maps exterior, under it's junky shell lays a cheat-proofed puzzle map with clever tricks up it's sleeve.

    Outside the map:

    Hmmm... What do I do here...

    I give no secrets.

    Link to map "trashpiles"

    Link to gametype "Playing"

    (Get it? Playing on trashpiles!)
  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    sorry man this is a bad post good try though i heuss in respect ill dl but any way if you wish to make a good post add a longer description or at least a story line.

    and describe why or how you came up with the idea if you cant think of a long enough descrition.
  3. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
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    It doesn't really have a storyline... It's just a puzzle map...
  4. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the point is you still need a description. tell us about the puzzles can you trick jump? is there hidden turrets to get to the other side? how about mongooses / mongeese / monguy? is there any means of two player? how about weapons needed? or any thing else like this?
  5. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
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    Oh okay.

    There is a mongoose, (not saying where, need to find it out for yourself) You need jump, but not trick jump. (There is one possible crouch jump. What I mean is it makes it a little easier if you do.) There is no two player, and there no weapons needed.

    Hints (in order of the challenges)
    #1. Height does not always give an advantage.
    #2. The answer is not what you think.
    #3. You may want to hold onto the things you find.
    #4. Try combining the found items in tunnel of darkness.
  6. R3pentance

    R3pentance Ancient
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    ... dude theres like 2 puzzles
    i solved it in under 2 minutes
    it was so easy, try to make it longer and more challenging with original ideas i won;'t rate this because i dont wanna hurt your feelings

    my quickest time was 22 seconds

    and its not cheat proof at all
    #6 R3pentance, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009

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