Abusing ForgeHub

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AceOfSpades, Apr 20, 2009.

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  1. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Do you really want to see a 50 word post that essentially "says good map 5/5" 8 times, using synonyms to achieve "variation?"
  2. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    like i said then it would be more obvious to see the spammers and see that their purposely spamming and ban their ass
  3. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Well this is a fairly decent map, I would have to say that you should work on the spawns, I've had a couple people spawn close to me in FFA. And maybe make the rocket launcher spawn more often: it felt sort of weak and the top mid position was less useful because of it.

    ^I could get all that by looking at screenshots and making **** up.
  4. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    well at least its not a 5 word comment. It was just a suggestion. Why dont you come uq with something. btw i dont think reqorting every spam you see will make a big impact at all unless

    FH creates a spam police that goes through map threads. their title could be "FH-PD" . They would just hand out infracts and temp restriction to posting in that forum
  5. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Then report every spam post you see.


    Spam is a constant, there is really very little we can do to prevent it, without developing a program that detects actual content in a post, and if you can manage that, enjoy the fame.
  6. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    well i guess that proves that this thread is pointless and is just some guy b*tching about spam. Im done posting in this thread.
    and jeez its almost 4am and im not tired
  7. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    I've been here since December 07 and I know we can't fix this. Since Bungie publicized our site back in Jan-Feb 08, all the Bnetters have flooded in (I bet you're some of them). Site quality = declined and there's nothing you can do about it.
  8. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    so because on certain occasions when i display bad behavior and the declining quality of this site your accusing me of being a bnet person?

    and i have shaped up one more perm and im permanently warned
  9. JubJub Joe

    JubJub Joe Ancient
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    There's no viable method of curbing spam... you just have to live with it.

    Someone earlier in the thread mentioned "if a map stinks please refrain from pressing the reply button". Some of the maps that have been coming out since sandbox's release have consisted of a double block huge with an armory sitting on top. People post a sentence to get their post count up, with no intention of helping the individual, or helping others by just letting the thread die. There's some sort of mindset that people have in that a greater post count = more respect.

    The fact is, I rarely post on maps unless I've got something worthwhile to say. If I don't like a certain part of a map, simply out of personal preference, then it isn't a reason to come to ridiculous conclusions and make up some arbitary score to appease the map poster. Why people still think that a score out of ten can in any way be helpful is beyond me...

    I dip into forgehub when I see something that intrigues me, or when I think I've got something useful to say. I'm not here to raise my number of posts, and I'm not here to draw one-line conclusions.

    Now here's the thing... why am I here?

    I think the forge community in general is an integral part of Halo... for me at least. Anything I say that could potentially benefit a forger gives me satisfaction. Anything that someone constructively tells me can help me improve as a forger. Both of those things are what keeps me dipping in now and then. I want to play on maps that are as enjoyable as possible, and if my little comment about spawn placement can be put to good use, then I'm satisfied.

    I'm kept from being a more active member because it isn't easy to filter through a forum where 80% of the posts aren't looking for constructive feedback. 80% of the posts are full of misplaced arrogance, and aren't out for any sort of criticism. 80% of the posts are from grammatically-deficient children (Mind you, I'm only 16 myself).

    Bnet has become a bastion of ineptitude... the forums are a joke, and to be honest, I only go there for cheap laughs. Now I've seen elements of bullshit crop up here too, but I'm confident that there'll still be a core of people willing to put time and effort into improving the forge community as a whole.

    Now I've rambled on for long enough... quite frankly though, I can't see much of an alternative to the system there is now.

    ~ Joe
  10. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    This is all true all true ace. This is why i quiet Forgehub. I work my ass off for months on a map and then post it. And my best review, "is nice interlocking 5/5 i might dl". And my thought to that is wtf dude, I no its good interlocking i spent months on it, why dont you tell me how the games went and so on. It really pissed me off, so thats why I quiet FH. Now I go to another site, and I get a lot better feed back, because they actaully are helpful, and im not getting spammed up with newer members who just want there post count up.
    #70 Yevah, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  11. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    I am sad to say i am one of these people, i use to help others plenty but now i only help out the new people. when they go to ask some one about there map i use to have about a paragraph or two and now i just have a one or two sentences about the map usualy going something like this... nice map. but you might wanna fix the middle part of the map where the power drain is. i'll pot 2 of my quotes so you can compare these along as well.

    I have fallen to the ever so powerfull might of lazyness and bad grammer lol. i shall work harder on posting with my comments and keeping up the use of independent opinions.
    #71 redeyesmaster, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
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