Man, if you think about it, there are a couple of people that are very dedicated, I mean, I know I am not the most dedicated person on this site, but I am very dedicated and I have only been here for about 5 months now, there has to be some people for the job.
There are some dedicated members. But you also have to take into account to fact that some of them will probably not want the responsibility of moderating the forums, as everyone has a life outside of the internet and can't spend the amount of time and effort needed to moderate. I don't even know how the current mods get it done.
I'm with Ace on this, most people would get sick of moderating after a week. Its not a fun job, your view of the site completely changes, you have less time to do other things. The people that are dedicated to the site THAT much become loyals. Most loyals in turn, don't become moderators.
Not saying I have no life, because I do, I play sports and race motocross, but I have enough time to be a mod, and I am not just saying that because I want it, but I am on more than anybody I know. I am not asking for it, I am just saying.
I completely agree with this 100%, and have been frustrated ever since all these noobs have showed up. It's a little thing we call post count, and a little thing we call "Doesn't Matter!" So quit spamming, and post something worthwhile to read! Although I was recieving crap like this back before December last year (Damn I've been here long!) I still think the amount of posts like this has increased, and the quality of the above post has been decreased to this. The language he used we against me. Although he will stay anonymous. The average member will post a random generated comment, that could stay true for any map like "Nice map, great athetics!" Notice how aesthetics is spelled wrong. But that's not the only thing, they will tack on a random rating out of 5. Not based on the map, but any random number that comes to mind. Like this for example has the number 4.3. Why not just round the number to 4, and call it good? Looks like the author of this post also didn't pass elementary school, seeing as they stuck a space in between sentences instead of after the last word in the sentence. They also didn't capitalize the first word in the sentence, not even the "I" in I'll was capitalized. It's elementary, and it's impossible for me to take anything seriously from a guy that can't spell the word "I" correctly.
AND IT'S POSTS LIKE THESE THAT PISS ME OFF!!! I'll make this post anonymous, but still... this user has been posting these same type of posts for a LONG time now. People have to stop posting nonsense, instead of just saying "Old problem is old". You actually have to act on this kind of crap. And PEOPLE NEED TO START READING LONG POSTS!!! Honestly, if you can't spend 10 seconds reading a description or response to something, then you're just lazy. Nothing else to it. There are a lot of problems that have come up again. Just like the crappy replies. "moar interloxing... no seriously more interloxing"... still that's not going to make the user want to interlock everything in their map just because some random user says he/she wants you to interlock. Really people should be more concerned about the gameplay/weapon/vehicle/respawn placements. *rawr* we ALSO need to start acting on the people who don't care to spell things correctly. I can understand if you're in 4th grade and you aren't good at grammar, but the -blaming!- computer has a spell check!!! So, lately, I've been correcting people's grammar and spelling mistakes... but just the people that aren't able to. Take, for example, a kid who's first language was Dutch. I took his post and reorganized/fixed a few things. So... If people wonder why others don't like their maps, then ... well just look at their front freaking post. *shakes head* lol k, I hope SOMEONE reads this OOOOHHHH!!! and I HATE it when people use coloring (yes you saw that and you looked, I know it) when they reply to something. If you're a standard member who's equal just like everyone else, then why should you have something that will make you more noticeable than others. Sure, other people can do it too, but do you really want a website filled with colors of the rainbow. I think my eyes would bleed! So stop that PLEASE! (I used large sizes/colors so someone will notice it to start out with, since that seems to be the only way for people to notice things nowadays)
I agree with you for the most part. But you have to remember, a lot of newer users are not familair with the forums and don't have much of an idea on how to post properly. Trust me, if you have a phone and you text a lot, you will see dramatic errors like "r u going 2 intelock map?" It simply becomes a habit of error. I garuntee you if they stay, they will learn proper grammer and become more of a member here than before. I am newer but I am also part of another forum, so I have already learned proper forum etiquette.
Old problem is old. Complaining more still won't solve it immediately; you're only being annoying. It's like why complaining to the Obama administration about 9/11 won't get you anywhere. OLD. I the only one who uses the old layout scheme anymore? Like the one where it's white column on dark gray background? When people color their posts, it makes it bloody near impossible for me to read them. Granted, I'm in the minority, but I will agree that colored posts are annoying as hell. But yeah, Nemi, old problem is old. If there were a working solution, I think someone would have come up with it by now...
I still use it, and you can't see worth crap when the text is white also. Light gray isn't too bad though.
Yes, Conkerkid, I agree with you on this one. This is still happening almost every time someone posts, Especially on the map forums. You all talk about bing lazy in the posts above me, but if you refuse to try and think of a way to stop all of this, than you are te one being lazy. This is a huge problem, actually itis the biggest one on Forge Hub. And it doesn't need to be forgot about. It needs to be fixed and soon. Out of the 40,000 people on Forge Hub, I am sure one of them can think of an idea to stop the spam.
I think the only REAL way is to ban people if they spam. that way, people won't want to spam. That is probably not a GOOD solution though. I think the best would be to put a minimum word count on posts.
Yes. I may have joined late (October), but I frequently traversed this site for several months before, so I suppose I also witnessed the golden days of Forge Hub. I have a solution though. Report every pointless spam post, and for every so many actual ones reported (or maybe even investigated into - statistics - recent posts -by a person in power), the spammer will be banned from posting anywhere for a certain amount of time. Maybe a week for every two spam posts. If any of you want, you can bring this up in Customer Service, and we may be able to successfully implement it. Soon enough, this site would be free of much of the spam, considering that all of the spammers would be banned or would have learned their lesson (I doubt that).
I generally try to leave the most useful feedback I can, if I don't have good feedback, I don't post it. My most recent feedback was on the game mode and map variant for Laser Tag by Ipody here on the forums, My post was a rough half paragraph and involved the three major problems my friends and I experienced playing it, and ways I suggested of fixing it up. As for map content I generally agree. Though I agree for the most part with geo-merging and interlocking, I don't think it's necessary for every map. I've played on a few good maps without either, or with a minimal amount of either. I have a map myself here on the forums with a minimal amount of interlocking, and no geomerging. Now it's not a great map but it's a lot of fun to play FFA Swat or FFA Slayer on, and I spent easily a good 8 hours on it, making sure that despite the lack of interlocking, everything played smoothly. I balanced the map out as good as I know how and got it running to the best of my ability. I agree in the sense that maps should not be acknowledged unless some form of quality is there. Either great playability, great aesthetics, etc. Also I've been getting terrible feedback, the two posts responding to my map Grinder have been "Needs Interlocking". And that about sums it up. Really a pain in the arse.
I just came in here to comment on the first quote (of this post), then I was planning on leaving this thread alone, but then I figured I'd read the whole thing, and am over-compelled to write about a few other posts... First off, for having seniority, y'all don't realize the easiest way that you, yourself, can do something about this. Report the posts in question. Srsly. Actually, the people have been pretty amazing at choosing what is a good map. If you notice, the amazing maps (By, for example, Doog Nit & zombievillian (Yes, they are now premium, but that's because they were just flat out awesome at forge, and the people agreed.) were getting a lot of great reviews by people, and lots of attention. Why? Because they were actually good maps. If your map isn't as successful as their's, then get over it, and start forging on your next project. Seriously, because the way it looks now, is that you're just crying about the fact that you didn't get much attention in your map thread. The spam never stopped...I don't know who said it did, but they're crazy. Again, back to my first point: Report any spam posts. Those comments are exactly what should be reported. Just do it, and you will be helping cure the cancer. *facepalm* calm down. you skimmed by that without an infraction, but then wait: What were you thinking? Or were you thinking? I probably shouldn't be asking you rhetorical questions... That's a little vindictive, but yes, as a mod, we sometimes do that for certain individuals who we notice have a problem; and if y'all feel they have a problem with spam, and find the spam in their posts, then by all means, report away. Spoiler Spoiler OMFG SHUT THE **** UP
Im guessing sandbox will adjust just like foundry did, as many do not know how to geomerge on it (No doors which is how I did it, and I myself struggle with the other method). Interlocking is well known and should be done, even though my latest map doesn't have much interlocking (im doing GCSE's so I have little time to make a map). Hope I helped a little.
Agreed 100%, OP is totally gay. In other news, its all the same, you join the site, and you think its cool and amazing, and you learn the ropes, but then some newbs start popping up(LOL I WUZ NEVR THAT BK!) and you get a little sand in your ******. So you make a thread and complain about how the good ol' days are gone, and all is noob. Forgehub has never changed after it reached the 5000th member mark, it has always been like this. A new generation comes grows up a little complains about it sucking some leave the ones that stay grow up a little more, maybe become mods/loyals/premiums they complain about how the "society" effect sucks some more leave they get bored most leave, or stop caring some grow up a bit more, become layed back/cynical, and tell the newbs who think they are pros how meaningless it all is
Time may heal this problem. Sandbox just came out so we have to expect alot of maps and spams. Give it a few months and it should get a little better. I think a solution for the spam is this In the Map posting section put a minimum wordcount of say 40-50 words. With this itll be more obvious to see the spam and keep away spammers. But idk if you can do that on vBulliten