Community Playlists (Team Action Sack)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Caretaker, Apr 26, 2009.

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  1. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    Anyone remember the community playlist in Halo 2? I don't exactly remember the name of it but I know it was from a part of the Halo community. It had some crazy fun gametypes to play. Like the one on Foundation where everyone had overshields with a sword and there was a hill in the middle, the hill game on Midship where everyone spawned with rockets and the hill would stay right in the middle of the map, the "combo-training", and the crazy fun fiesta FFA where everyone spawned with a random primary and secondary.

    You guys remember those? I loved them. I played that playlist daily because it was so laid back and relaxing compared to the competitiveness of the other games. I wish that Bungie would bring it back. All the playlists in Halo 3 right now are too aggressive. You only get a break on weekends with Grifball, Melee, or Zombies. I'd like to have a playlist where the objective is to win but you're too busy having fun to care if you win or not. Bring back the community playlists, Bungie!

    Agree, y/n?
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    What a funny coincidence, because my IQ just went down by 15%... As well as my tolerance for idiots.

    Now excuse me, I'm off to play some custom games and not take a video game seriously.
    #2 X5, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  3. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    Was that even needed? Just because everyone doesn't want to play competitively, doesn't make them bad. I'm damn good at Halo 3 but I'd rather just chill. It's a hassle to deal with people in matchmaking that act like... well, act like you.
  4. iFeeL uR SoRRoW

    iFeeL uR SoRRoW Ancient
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    So your intolerance for idiots has dropped 15%? So is that why you cut your self? To try and help get rid of the 15% of idiots? Just helping the cause right? If you didn't get any of that, and I do believe I don't think I did either, what I was trying to say was, go kill your self and help get rid of 15% of idiots.
    What is that supposed to mean Caretaker? You can't handle playing against cyber-bullies? What are you going to go tell your mommy and daddy and have them call the principle?
    #4 iFeeL uR SoRRoW, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  5. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    *rolls up sleeves*
    Case in point.

    Now I suggest you lay off in this thread, and proceed to attack me on my Visitor Message page, before your ass gets as red as the coming infraction if you keep this embarrassment up.

    EDIT: Also, I would just like to point out the irony that is your name and the statements you make.
    #5 X5, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Seems that you have a point, I guess an infraction won't kill you... only a "skilled" head-shot with a sniper will. Unless, of course, you turned on "Immune to Headshots" before we booted up a game of MLG Gaurdian. It is then only fitting for me to pose the question:
    "How do you kill that, which has no life?"
  7. iFeeL uR SoRRoW

    iFeeL uR SoRRoW Ancient
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    Thank you for proving my point, you can't be killed.
  8. Taco Bell

    Taco Bell Ancient
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    I reccomend a mod delete this agrument and make sure this thread get replies related to the topic.
  9. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Yes, because I'm a god and you're one of my measly creations that I somehow ****ed up. Never have I ever crafted such a travesty, I must purge the imperfection at once.
  10. iFeeL uR SoRRoW

    iFeeL uR SoRRoW Ancient
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    And I recommend that you should be like Debo and go play some volleyball because you like to tattle-tell on people because it give you a warm feeling inside. I don't know who the **** you think you are but...I wouldn't consider myself a god if I were you.
    Thanks for your little sidenote you sent me with my infraction
    You have been infracted for insulting other members on Forge Hub. I know it makes you feel bad ass, but set temptation aside to read our rules.
    That is, assuming that you can read.
    I bolded your contradiction. You make fun of me in an infraction that I got making fun of another member*cough*you*cough*. Well isn't that swell you sure would make a great leader sometime soon!
    #10 iFeeL uR SoRRoW, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It doesn't matter what I consider myself, just so long as you call me "Master" and I call you "my *****". You sure whine like one.
  12. Taco Bell

    Taco Bell Ancient
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    Now are you trying to start an argument with me too? Please leave this thread and let its post be related to the topic.
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