Excuse me if this is the wrong section, if it is then please move it for me So, To get started me and my friends were bored so we went to forge and starting making anything... And everytime we do that, We end up making bases lol Base 1: Overview [/URL] Inside Temple [/URL] Place Where Teleport Inside Temple Brings You [/URL] Place Where Teleport Inside Armory Brings You [/URL] Each Grav Lift Brings You To A Differant Spot [/URL] Left Grav Lift: Anti-Air Gun [/URL] Right Grav Lift: Sniper Tower [/URL] Base 2: Overview: [/URL] Inside [/URL] Base 3: Overview: [/URL] Side Sniper Tower [/URL] Stairway #1: [/URL] Stairway #2: [/URL] Inside: [/URL] Download Link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details See Which one you like best If your gonna rate it, please post your rating AND goto the link and put it in tyvm Spoiler Base 1: Mine (Ph0eNiX195) Base 2: My Friend (Thunder5766) Base 3: My Friend (KickinAsszzEmo)
Pretty cool, but I wish there wasn't so many open spaces. The Anti-Air gun is really creative. Good Job - 4/5
I suggest you go back and fix up some of the structures. Some of them look crooked and others are just uneven. For example the merged corner tubes, are way out of place. The concept of the map is pretty good, but the map itself is a little shaky.
I like the idea just like the above comment mentioned, although it would be a heck of a lot nicer if there was some interlocking, geomerging or smoother paths in the since of gameplay. Plus personally not much people are fans of the "All Weapons and Vehicles spawn at your base" they mostly like the challenge of finding the weapons that were placed on the map and just like the above comment posted, it is a little too wide and opened spaced.
One tip, don't have weapon cashes or armories unless it's for machinima purposes or it's full of weapons like BRs and ARs and not power weapons.
Well about the interlocking... My friend said this was not his best and he was just trying to get it done fast and he did'nt know I ws posting this until the end when we were almost done and then he was like "omg wtf? this is'nt best, you should have told me before hand" E: also, about the power weapons: There there because this is meant for ALOT of people. But i might delete one cause i put 3 of each weapon in a weapon holder (except for power weapons, They have 2)
Wrong place, go ask one of the mods/admins to move this to competitive maps... Now, on to the review. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to open. You have to have A LOT of cover when using the crypt. It looks like you just built 3 random bases in random spots around the crypt. It also looks like the bases aren't even whatsoever... Basically the fact that the gameplay wont flow, the sides are uneven, and there's no cover butchers the entire aspect of playability...
You do realize if you read the post that it IS just 3 random bases... It's just to fool around in and use any gametype you want.
I like the idea of bases in the crypt but when i think of them i see them as small one maby two floor bases, although i can see some potential for you as a forger you need some practice with the basics. Firstly, the map is too open for any real gameplay if you do go one to make a version two take advantage of the crypt and make cover areas and secret ways to get into each base so its not just a mad assult in the open at on of the bases. Secondly, you have put far too many power weapons in, for a good map to work and have the best playability you want maby 2-3 over the whole map depending on size and even these should be in places that are hard to reach without exposing yourself, so if you do decide to make a vesrion two instead of having armouries at each base scatter weapons like BR's SMG's around the map and any power weapons should be in places you actually have to work to get to. Thirdly, the forging on this map isnt great, there is potential but you need to learn to take you time and position each object with accuracy. Last but not least, Especially in the crypt you should limit vehicles to the most of maby a few mongooses, one warthog and maby depending on how much cover there is maby a hornet. As i have said you have potential so keep forging and practicing and you will eventually get to a point where the things mentioned above become second nature whilst making a map. I will rate this map a 3 out of 5 because although the map itself could be better you have shown you have some skills in forge and have shown some good concepts that once you get better at forging you will be able to impliment much better into your maps.
Just a little reminder to commentors: this map is probably in the aesthetic section for a reason. Aesthetic maps should not be greatly judged on it's gameplay, but rather it's attractivness and creativity. The first pictured base looks great, while the remaining two aren't much above standard. Try fixing them up, get rid of the armories, add cover, and reduce power weapons to 2 or 3 and this map will have competitive potential.
yay! my base is beast the second base though my friend just got bored and made up "The Sacred Sword" lol And I'm afraid to fix the thrird cause its pretty bad so i'll have to get my friend to fix it. Anyway, Sometime I'll be making another map. I just need some ideas because i'm only good once I get started... otherwise i'll be flying around on an empty canvas doing nothing for 2 hours lol
Hey Ph0enix195, where'd you get that map? Because I'm pretty sure my friend Cac0714 made it. I actually helped him make it in the crypt and we've played it a few times with other people, so I'm pretty sure you got it from one of them.
Bullshit. 1. Money was left over. 2. We used an unlimited money map 3. Our real version is much, much better. We've been fixing it up since we made it at the beginning of April.
I have seen this map before and it is very basic, try using some more of the advanced forging techniques found on the homepage.
This map was stolen. DO NOT THINK IT IS THIS PERSONS MAP! My friend made this map and this guy took it and took the credit for it. Do not listen to him he stole it! I agree with Dafnier because me and Him and Caco are friends and I saw Caco making this map and I saw Caco test this map. Don't take credit, don't make escuses, and don't lie. You know you stole it so tell the truth because you know its true!
Lol, keep lieing you arrogent jerk. I saw my friend make this map, I saw him test it. He showed it to some of his friends who downloaded it from his file share. You then took it from them and claimed resposability for it because you cannot make maps. You stole it after one of your friends showed it to you modded it so that it says that you made it. Stop being a ****ing retard and admit you stole it you ****ing lier! PEOPLE WHO READ THIS THREAD, DO NOT THINK THIS IS HIS. HE HAS STOLEN OTHER PEOPLES WORK AND CLAIMED IT AS HIS OWN. DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM.