"Prepare the flashed cloned organs. And heads. And bodies." "Elephants. Pwning Spartans since 2007." "This is the last thing we got from Master Chief" "BANNED!" "Help" "Elephants: Defying logic since 2007." W00T post 100! "Shotgun!"
WhooHoo! 100th Post is right there^^ ...one or two captions is fine.....but plz don't spam with a whole list....thanks.
You might want to start a new thread or blog or something and post all the past contests there. In a few weeks there will be a lot of quotes and images on your first post.
"SO IT WAS YOU!" "Now, now, it's no ones fault, let's not point any fingers here....STEVE!!" "That guy stole my rockets!"
By the way. If you want to use a light color, use silver. White is illegible on Oldschool, but silver works just fine. Go to Oldschool and try to read the following: This is in white. This is in silver. See what I mean?
Woot! I made the top 4 in the last one. I knew that caption was witty. Sorry but I can't think of anything too original that isn't obvious with this one. Stuff like "He did it" is all I can think. I guess I will try my best.... Pointing ODST: So, you take a left then a right then two more lefts and you should be at Truth.
"It was HIM! He took my cookie!" and btw I think you have a typo in the first spoiler thingy, it says 3/28 and it shows 4. lol ya, nice pic xD
MasterChief: "Don't Tell me what to do, before I shove this BR up your ass and teabag you for the next 6 hours!"