Sandbox Vaux citidel

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by siberian w0lf, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    This floating prison ship once held dangerous criminals, but is now withered away by the violent sandstorms.

    Vaux citidel is my twist on the old "bases" concept. It features a red and a blue base, and two other points of interest (a sniper tower and a spiral staircase leading to a RL) Although the map isn't syymetrical, it is balanced. This map works well with Slayer. CTF, Assault, and KoTH.

    Spiker x4
    Sentinal beam x4
    BR x4
    Flamethrower x1
    Sniper x1
    RL x1 (No clips)
    Plasma grenades x4
    Deployable cover x4
    Power drain x1


    [​IMG]Blue base (Jail cell 1)

    [​IMG]Red base (Jail cell 2)

    [​IMG]Sniper tower (watch tower)

    [​IMG]Spiral staircase/ RL spawn (Cell control room)

    [​IMG]Middle area

    DOWLOAD HERE: : Halo 3 File Details

    Please, rate, comment, and check out my other maps.
    #1 siberian w0lf, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  2. Ghost717

    Ghost717 Ancient
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    I had fun playing this map I think it is best with King of the Hill and Team Slayer. the floor is merged neatly and the gameplay flows great. I also like the simple look of the map and going between bases is easy due to vehicles but at some points its easy to fall off. I suggest, if you haven't already, that you fix the spawns and put the assualt objectives in the bases. 5/5
    #2 Ghost717, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  3. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, all those problems have been fixxed now. Of course, as long as something else dpesn't come up. :p Thanks again for the playtest.
  4. RolandDeschain

    RolandDeschain Ancient
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    I love that staircase, pretty nice. I'll give you a 7/10 I'll download.
  5. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man. I also forgot to mention that this is my first map that I use interlocking in, so tell me how I did with that.
  6. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please, I like more comments.
  7. unbeaten baroz

    unbeaten baroz Ancient
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    looks nice and i love the stairs. ill give it a dw. the only thing is to make it harder to fall of in the ghosts. From the pics it looks like a BIG bum where the archs are and maybe to should put a wedge there or sumthing to make it neater.
  8. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I actually did that for a reason as sp the vehicles don't completely dominate. You'll have to be carefull when splattering on this map as you can easily fall off. Also, I had shield doors there, but I ran into the object limit when laying down objectives and had to make sacrifices.

    And finally, you can also get across the arches with the ghost.
  9. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please, more comments. I really would like to know if there are any weak points to the map from people playing so I know what to fix. Not that I want there to be something wrong, just that there usually is with my maps :p
  10. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    WOW, 2 double posts on your own thread and 2 of the post were bumping it. Don't do that.. As for the map, it's nothing new. A lot more thought could be put into the bases and the rocket spawn. I know the spiral staircase is nice aesthetically, but it is not realistic for gameplay. It would be awkward to repeatedly jump up one after another steps, while having no cover for only two rocket shots, when you will probably die in the process of getting to it anyways. You are very likely to fall off, considering the map has no railings to keep you on. The best part of the map is the sniper tower, it is somewhat original and has some cover. 2.5/5
  11. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    what you have is good
    but you should add some cover
    the sniper can pretty much hit anywhere on the map
  12. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ^ Well, I put it high up so it wouldn't be able to hit on the opposite sides of the bases or through the shield door, but I know what you mean. Also, I would've added more cover, but like I said before I ran into the object limit.

    And sorry if I ever annoyed anyone by bumping this thing. It's the first map that I'm really proud of making and I want it to break through.

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