Descriptions: Battle Royale 2 is a foundry map built like a maze, it includes 2 secoins of maze and an object field. WARNING: Campers beware: most of the easiest camping areas are booby trapped. Also included in this topic the game type that goes with it: The Program, basically its Slayer with no shields, radar, random weapons and one life, and i'll explain why in a second. Links: Go here for Battle Royale 2 Go here for The Program. Screenshots: Thanks for the help [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] Additional Information: Now i will explain why the game type is set up that way, this is based of a manga series i read called Battle Royale, loved the books so i thought "how fun would it play?" so me and my friend built the map and i built the game type. apparently Battle Royale is a movie too. Oh and the map is called Battle Royale for 2 reasons: 1: it looks nothing like the island they fight on 2: i made a sandtrap version before i made the foundry one and it was really bad; not a lot of cover... Oh and credit to ZOOBRASHADOW that helped me with the map.