Final Effort By killer200o and Egodude A mosaic of the 7th Column Description: The map starts out with a banked turn leading to an pitch alternating straight away that takes you from leaning to the left to leaning to the right. You then turn under the alternating straightaway over a bridge into a short spiral like turn. After a short jump you proceed into a backflip and into a straight away. Then you going into a tight turn and into a huge jump through the 7th column symbol and back to the start. Pictures and Video: I highly suggest that you watch the video in High Definition by following this link YouTube - HaloTracks: Final Effort and clicking on the HD button. Download Final Effort
Nice racing map, there is a lot of turns and curves according to the pics I'm seeing, and the interlocking is great and smooth, the most important part of a track unless it's a dirt bike made track. I also like the design put into it and your vid covers all of the map, great race map.
This is a nice race map compared to others altough, this map could use some touching up, some of the interlocks are really messy and dont add to the asthetics of this map. 4/5 maybe add an FX orb
I am not going to put an FX or on this map. I personally hate FX, they were made for screenshots and I think it should stay that way.
Okay I tried to ignore the fact that you had a guy with recon in your map, but a lot of maps have had this recently. Why is this? And also, in every map where this is the case they never provide an overview of the map, only pictures that say "look, I raced with some guy/guys with recon" However, I'm glad you provided a vid because otherwise we wouldn't know much about the track. There are a lot of unique things in theis racetrack, the main thing being the weird jump involving interlocked teles that sort of make the mongoose corkscrew to the left mid-jump in an awkward way. I like it, it seems to do the same jump each time no matter which angle/speed you approach the jump at. Another cool thing I noticed is the upside-down arches along the outside edge of one of the corners of the track. Although they could be cleaner, I really like the structure idea. And the 7th column in the centre is pretty good too, albeit a bit wider than a real one. A very good map, and not just because of the flashy flaming helmet recon guy. Did you make that mosaic yourself btw?
I love the jump through the seventh column and the back flip. They are epic. Well done on making this great track. EpicFish: Egodude made the mosaic but I collected all the screenshots for it.
This map is pretty cool I played on it and raced around ten laps on it with my guest... my guest said that the curby road part was bumpy but It kind of had to be lol I liked that part alot... some of the interlocking isn't very clean and alot of the straightaways aren't interlocked which takes from the asthetics of the map... The backflip works really well and I like that part... you should have made 2 so 2 people could go off it at the same time that would be sweet becuase it probably would cause problems in a game lol... The seventh column thing is pretty cool too =) 4/5
Ok, can't fully appreciate this map until you actually watch the linked youtube video, or play it. 4.7/5....I love the 7th Column and the filp, gameplay is very smooth (even the banked turn that gives it that "off roady" feel.) The .3 was deducted simply because I'm a big fan of those seemingly impossible turns that require you to manipulate the camera in all different angles and there are none of those, but still a truly amazing map, the first backflip I've seen on Sandbox.
You have to play this map! It is sick. The two main jumps that you go off of are sweet. Sometimes you can get perfect backflips or even 360º back flips which are sick. Nice work! It is a must download!
Wow the corkscrewbackflip jump is awsome, and over all it looks like a great track. Downloading. Watch the youtube video before you post!
Thanks for the feedback. Its now of Bunge news =P I have been getting some very good feedback, most people have liked it.
Great map I just played on this earlier and it was pretty fun. I really liked the backflip jump and the final jump through the septagon. I did notice a slight amount of bumps and the final turn before the jump was hard to pull off at full speed. Mabey you could add in a shield door there.
this is a very nice track and the backflip part can prove a problem from time to time, not flipping or coming short, other then that very good map 4/5
To be honest, I was staring at the mosaic for five minutes before I remembered I was looking at a race map. The map itself is actually quite good. The interlocking was fair, though slightly bumpy on some parts and the huge curves really helped me knock my fellow racers off the side while clustered. It's a little plain, with no decorative start or finish, but is a decent track, nothing like the length of Quantum, nor nothing aesthetic like Paramore, but it's still decent. ☼
Great track! This one is so inventive when it comes to new stuff like the back flip. Great track love the end jump through the bungie symbol. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
By far the most beautiful and well crafted Race Track map I have ever played and seen.The Corkscrew Back Flip is the most innovative thing I've ever seen on a race map. Every Battle Tracks / Race Tracks player must have this map in their collection. It works really well with Battle Tracks. Especially with Spartan Lasers or Rocket Launchers. I have a feeling I'll be entertained by this for a long while.
I played on this map quite a lot, and it is quite good... until you reach that mancannon/backflip jump. It may be awesome, but it actually NEVER worked for me. Dieing there like 20 times in a row, it was kind of annoying. Full speed, slowing down, different angle, nothing helped... I always went left of where I should land. And died... Fix plox?