Sandbox Phenotype

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Benji, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (Genotype v2)​


    This map is a v2 of Genotype (See the Genotype thread here)​

    Phenotype is used with CTF, Assult, and maybe Slayer ​

    Weapons list
    Assault Rifle x2
    Battle Rifle x4
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Rocket Launcher x2
    Spartan Laser x1
    Machine Gun Turret x2
    Missile pod x2
    Banshee x2
    Transport Hornet x2
    Frag Grenade x4
    Plasma Grenade x12
    Bubble Shield x2
    Power Drain x2​

    In order to fix the imbalance created by all the flying vehicles I deleted two of the banshees and added a missile pod to each base​

    This is a picture of the new bases

    Another issue with Genotype was the lack of cover between the bases. I added cover to the main path between the bases and shield doors behind the bases to help prevent spawn kills.​


    I also added two mancannons to each side to help reach the middle structure faster​


    Download Phenotype
    See Genotype
    (Download link for Genotype now leads to Phenotype)​
    #1 Benji, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  2. Royal Bloodbath

    Royal Bloodbath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i dont know why you named your map after a phisical charicteristic of a gene but ok like the lay out i whant to see a pic of the middle you should merge some origanal things and make a better v 2 love the idea 3.5/5
  3. Remii

    Remii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think there is way way to many power weapons, Maybe just use a missle pod on each side and a slazer in the middle. I know there is air vehicles but still. I like the layout of this map because you cant get lost =) i also like how the man cannons shoot you over huge gaps. 3.5/5

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