They are all too bright, except for the second one, which is the best one out of your four. I can't make what's in your pictures, although I'm guessing the fourth one is a Hornet and the third one is a guy throwing down a piece of equipment.
I used a flare in all of the screenshots, that is why they are so bright. Basically I had a flair and grendades and crap and through it in the middle with juicy on and just got a good angle and took the screenshot.
I agree waaay too bright I can't tell what's going on in most of these pictures, and they aren't pleasing to the eye which is one of the most important thing a screenshot should be. The second one however is very interesting. I like it but I'm not really sure why.
2nd one is the best because that's the only one that doesn't hurt my eyes and where i can actually tell what's going on.