This Is Purely For Everyone To Enjoy Please Tell me What You Think Ghillie Suit Mark V Sniper ODST Bring It On ODST Sniper Security 001 From The Mist Thanks For Looking At My Screenshots Please Tell Me What You Think If Have Any Ideas For Names Please Tell Me. thanks
yeah im going to make some more black and white pictures. if you have any ideas feel free to tell me. also if you have any screenshots that you would like me to take a look plz ask me and i will
My favorite would have to be Security 001. I love the black and white explosion! Mark V Sniper is epic and ODST Sniper is very cool. Good job on all of them! 4/5
I really like the last three! Those are really good. I like the coloring and the effects, especially the mist one on the last one. Good job. If you want you can look at any of my screenshots. You seem like you want someone to give you something to comment on. Lol. =)
Ok thanks man! Oh by the way I had a thought about your first one. If you could make it so that the color of the leaves and the color of the spartan were just a little bit more similar than I think it would be 10 times better, but don't get me wrong it's still great!
hey u can take a look at my screen shot...its my first one...and i think ur first pic is really unique i like that 1 the most
does anyone have any ideas on what type of screenshots i could take. whether its black and white, an explosion type and so on. if you do plz quote this message and tell me. and also thanks for looking at my thread i will be making another one soon.fell free to send a friend request