I'm looking for seven people WITH MICS who have the mythic map pack to help me test my new map on sandbox. I will be doing this at 5:30 eastern time. We'll be playing slayer, CTF, assault, and finally KoTH. If you're interested, post your gamertag and be on about 5 minutes before 5:30. I'll send you game and party invites (for communication purposes) I'll be taking the first seven people that reply. I can't tell you everything about the map, only that it has vehicles, is in skybubble, and has a twist on the old 'bases' concept. Thanks so much!
I see that your new, so you probably haven't looked around too much, but... we have a Testers Guild here at FH, cool huh. You will probably get way more people there to help test your map, than over here, and also this is the forge discussion thread thing and this is kinda off topic Anyway, here ya go, link to the Testers Guild
Oh, thank you very much! I'll delete my thread in here then. Ghost if you still want to test send me a message over XBL (GT:cartoonwolf) or go to my new topic.