Idiot kid gets his nuts hit by homemadebomb (lid-cap) Total Rofl!!! click here Idiot Kid With Homemade Bomb the bomb blows up and hits this kids tiny penor skip like a minute into it to see it i was dyin man so funny.dumbass kid
That was hilarious I watched it like 5 more times. How much do you wanna bet he's not having children.
Lol, I think the lid hit him where it hurts. Ouch. Still, shitty bomb. I expected a big bang, or a bigger bang than expected. In case you were wondering, on the end of the sentence above, I wrote "like this". The "this" was a link to a site which will remain unnamed. It was a video site that also hosted porn. That ad wasn't there when I provided the link (a porn ad), if it were I would have never provided the link. That's what the infraction is for and why I have no sig. That should stop questions.
lol. Kid got what he deserved. But baking soda and vinegar? Thats a *****'s bomb. Its all about dry ice and water...
No, it's about the diesel fuel and fertilizer...
Now imagine that hit you in the nuts. Then you start to wonder what the hell this kids crying about? ^^
indeed, thy mastar is correct. Funny video, but not funny when your mom comes in and see's the advertisements...
I know, just got a 3-point infraction. Sadfaic. I didn't even see that ad, it was a different ad when I created the link. Just clicked the link through the infraction notice and the first thing I saw was the porn ad. Sorry guys.