Every racetrack Is the same Now a days. I want to start a new racetrack but, I can't think of anything original to put in my new racetrack to make it different from any other track, and more fun to race. I want to put something in my new track that is not just a bank turn after another bank turn with the occasional jump or two included in the map. I have been trying to create the prefect loop in my new track, it was working but now it's starting to fail. If you have any ideas that are different from any other racetrack, please share it. Thanks
When you say a loop do you mean like a loop the loop, where you go upside down, because that would be pretty original. How about a tank race track... Atleast that would be original...
Smaller loop? Add mancannons or grav lifts near the top to keep you up and at speed. What map are you forging it on? I'm guessing Sandbox because everyone forges there now. (wish I had Microsoft points) And...a jump that requires you to change direction in mid air! (shield doors, grav lifts, mancannons) I would love it a race map where you have to dismount your vehicle and go through a teleporter and get it another vehicle. (ex. Crypt to Sky Bubble) That would add a twist which would throw off most players so that the ones lagging behind can catch up.
I've yet to see a good map that takes advantage of the watchtower blocked maps. You could make a huge map that takes more than half a minuite to do a lap on, like most skybubble maps, maybe even a map that uses more than one vehicle type?
I tried making a warthog based map, the don't like going up hills very fast, and you run out of resources wayyy to fast to make the track wide enough. Has anybody thought about making a circuit of jumps (jump after jump in a circle)? Maybe look at some mario kart tracks or something.. R
What I like in a racetrack is when they combine racing gameplay with asethetics. Maps such as Sky Pyramid and Union Station always stand out. Ive been trying to use this concept but im out of ideas atm.
maybe one where theres a jump that you have to land on a shield door to make it through, something like that.
For the loop the loop idea, all you need is a grav lift. Grav lifts work about 5 feet underneath them or so... so if you place the grav lifts on the opposite side of where the people will be using the loop.. it will keep them stuck to the ceiling, but still able to keep driving. Another possible idea is a ball chamber. People enter in the bottom of the sealed ball, ride around it, and to get out you have to exit through a small hole in the top. After you exit, it has a half loop so you end right side up, and then continue the map. Since I have 2 hours until I have to start my homework, I'll get working on it so you guys see what I'm talking about.
I always like maps that focus around an aesthetic structure..to make myself clearer, look at maps like eight emerald legs. I think a race track built around a giant spider, for example, would be awesome. You obviously would not use the spider, but you can probably think of a few cool things if you wanted to do this.
I think ASC671's ideas are great. And if they came to be, I might even download a racetrack map for the first time.
I saw a racetrack where they constructed a structure that caused you to do a backflip and land it well every time. Linky
You should make a rollar coaster like racetrack, maybe single-wide so there's a challenge to stay on. You should make it have one of the biggest jumps on Sandbox, where it's at the maximum height (getting outside of the skybubble, out above the dunes), where you could have it so that a person would climb up a hill or however you want it, get to the maximum height you can go, and have them fall, and right before it hits the ground there's a landing spot that makes it a really smooth landing, and bring them up and around again. If you don't get it, that kinda sucks, because I don't get it much myself.
Multiple routes you can take - like the main one, and a small, thin shortcut route that you can easily fall off of, so that it is risky but rewarding. Also funny, if multiple people try to take it at the same time.