Sandbox Culmination

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SaltyKoala, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    "Culmination" by saltykoalabear

    "The culmination of a jiralhane chieftains riegn, this structure served as a temple for transcendence into the divne beyond."


    Cul"mi*na"tion\ (k[u^]l`m?-n?"sh?n), n. [Cf. F. culmination]
    1. The attainment of the highest point of altitude reached by a heavenly body; passage across the meridian; transit.
    2. Attainment or arrival at the highest pitch of glory, power, etc.

    Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

    Culmination is a two base symmetrical skybubble map with lots of verticality and one "culmination point". Slayer, Ctf, and KOTH are the games of choice. The best way to win a match is to control the top the longest. But to gain control of the culmination point (highest playable geomtry on the map) players must use one of the 3 lifts placed at the bottom of the map to reach there throne.This dynamic element provides for some very thrilling and fast paced gameplay. Here's a look at it

    Overview Front
    Overview Back Blue Side
    Overview Back Red Side
    Overview Red Side

    If you didnt guess it already that angled floating block is the culmination point. Dont get to cocky once you reach this point tho, because much like Brute warrior culture once you are the chief, your the one everybodys gonna wanna eat..... as soon as you turn your back. A hammer from beneath will also get ya.

    Heres a look at some action

    Shooting at the start.

    Main Lift Hall Action

    Bubble shield and hammer!

    Just missed him




    You can downlod here : Halo 3 File Details

    If anyones up to give it a whirl with the creator than send me a fr at "saitykoalabear" (its a cap i so it loooks like L, lost credit card number for old account)

    Bubbleshield and hammer fixed
  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    looks like a good map. my only critisism is that it looks as if one team get a good hold of the culmination point then the other team would get easily spawn raeped. this may not be the case, it just looks like it.

  3. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You cannot spawn trap players from this point, or anywhere on the map to my knowledge, i specifically concentrated on that while building the map. Maybe i should have included some LOS pics tho.
  4. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    looks intesting also i like how you used the height of sandbox it looks taller then most ive seen also i dont think spwan traps would be an issue because of the different elevations
  5. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    After looking at this map thinking wow its great i fainted now i feel like i was raped!???

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