U-turn Hi, this is going to be my first map post ever. U-turn is a map built in sandboxes skybubble and it resembles avalanch... well it was inspired by avalanch. It features two semetrical basses leading to a huge intelocked u-turn. The wepons allthough many are set to balence eachother out. Overshield ballences shotgun missle pod ballences vehicles. It plays on team slayer, CTF, and assult. Well enough chit chat lets look at some pictures (your probabaly skipped this junk anyways) 0_0. The map looking from the overshield. One of the two bases. Angles make things look cooler right? Teh interlocks on ma U-turn ACTION SHOTS!!!!!(lol) Just passing thru NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Red Team won!! (I'm the one with the sniper Btw) Additional facts Slayer does not work on this map to well. best with 4-12 players And you can download it here Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details And again this is my first map post.
Its nice to see an original layout for a change. My only questions would be about the spawning. What if you kill everyone to get to the enemy base, steal the flag, where to they respawn? Do they spawn at the curve so you have to kill them again? I do like it though, and I'll download it and give it a try.
They spawn by the curve yes. But if you spawn at the curve you still have a better chance to kill them then if you spawn back at base.
this map looks preety good. i beleve tis works goot for team based games. preety bad aesthetics on the u turn though. 3.5/5 before dl
Well first of all i just think the map layout just isnt that good, therefore anyother criticism is pointless. Next time plan and create a more simple layout for you first time map makers. Then maybe after youve gotten better revisit this idea and im sure you could make it so much better. Keep trying-~-6/10
Wow! Try to optimalize this for Conquest, and you'll give the gametype a whole new twist! Honestly, Vehicular Conquest! How cool is that?! You should build ledges on the sides, though, so you can't ride off the map quite as easy. Use Long Wedges, if you know how I mean. Then again, you could also not do this It's just an idea I had. An overview pic would've been nice as well, the view from the OS doesn't give the perfect view, imo.
Conquest seems like an OK Idea but it would not be the normal gametype. Death comes quickly in this map and the territories would be hard to capture. About the ledges I tried to make it so there was a falling danger for cars. So even if your in a warthog without a gunner you still have a fighting chance. Also there isn't ledges because I wanted to put a grav hammer in so that people could fling the cars off the map, but I decided there was too many wepons and it would be exsesseve. and finaly about the Overview I couldn't fly up high enough.