Sandbox Hasmonean

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Jpec07, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    "Aesthetic map reminiscent of Solomon's Temple. Supports most gametypes. 6-16 players. By Forgotten Wing."
    Download Hasmonean


    Hasmonean is an aesthetic map, as the description above states, built to reflect the architecture of Solomon's Temple (see the beginning of the book of 2 Kings in the Bible to see what I used as my specifications). Initially, the concept was invented by my friend, Tommy, who really wanted to play Halo and kill people in the setting of the Jerusalem Temple, in keeping with his line-pushing sense of humor. Since I was feeling mischievous, and his forging skills were very...lacking (the map he made on Foundry to satisfy his idea was just bad), I decided to take it upon myself in my lack of spare time to make his map better. After countless hours in Forge, dodging my roommate's pleas that I should be doing homework instead, this map was finalized.


    An archaelogical dig on the long-since glassed remnants of a Forerunner world (now speculated as the Forerunner homeworld) yielded an amazing discovery archaic even to the ancient race itself. From a time long forgotten, a site of worship was uncovered from within the sands of the desert planet. Scientists, archaeologists, and anthropologists alike all flocked to the research site, eager to study the remnants that bore an eery similarity to early Judaism.

    However, when the Covenant first attacked humanity, what scientific and historical significance the site held was quickly abandoned, as its potential as a training facility was realized. The ancient structures remained mostly excavated (though speculations of far more extensive structures in the surrounding area were being explored), and the humans set up what weapons they could in order to train their soldiers to fare better in ground combat.

    The war pushed the world far beyond the control of humanity, and only after the defeat of the Covenant was it able to be reclaimed. None of the scientists that initially were there returned, though, and the site has remained as a remote training facility.

    Gameplay Description

    While primarily an aesthetic map, Hasmonean was also built to be playable (I don't feel that aesthetic maps are worth the trouble of making or downloading if you can't splatter Spartan or Elite blood all over them). Considerably more time and energy was poured into the defenders' side of the map (the right side above), which makes the map ideal for asymmetrical gametypes. Granted, I realize that the defenders had it much better off structurally, so I at least tried to balance the game out by giving the attackers better access to certain power weapons.

    Additionally, the map makes good use of symmetry options. In Symmetrical games, the Spartan Laser and the Shotgun in the middle will not spawn, and the wooden ramps that lead to the wall from the attackers' side spawn immediately. However, for Asymmetrical games, the Laser and Shotgun spawn on start, and the ramps have a 120-second delay before spawning, serving to make the game move faster if it's dragging on.

    It has been set up for all of the conventional gametypes, though the recommended ones are FFA Slayer, One Flag, and One Bomb. While extensive playtesting hasn't happened yet, I'm sure that as it does, I'll find things to revise.

    Hasmonean contains the following:

    • Battle Rifle - 14
    • Assault Rifle - 2
    • Brute Shot - 2
    • Needler - 2
    • Plasma Rifle - 2
    • SMG - 2
    • Mauler - 2
    • Rocket Launcher - 1
    • Sniper Rifle - 1
    • Energy Sword - 1
    • Spartan Laser - 1 (Asym. Only)
    • Shotgun - 1 (Asym. Only)
    • Machine Gun Turret - 2
    • Mongoose - 2
    • Warthog - 1
    • Chopper - 1
    • Plasma Grenade - 6
    • Firebomb Grenade - 3
    • Frag Grenade - 2
    • Bubble Shield - 1
    • Trip Mine - 1
    • Power Drain - 1

    Aesthetic Description
    Hasmonean was originally designed with aesthetics in mind, trying to make the map a visual mimicry of the descriptions found in the Bible.

    Holy of Holies
    The cubic Holy of Holies is sparsely populated, bearing darker pieces despite the bright light that slips through the cracks (there were no lights in the Holy of Holies). Biblically, this is the room which holds the Ark of the Covenant, which no one may enter on penalty of supernatural death, save one man--the high priest--on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The main entrance to that room is blocked by a shield door, though two teleporters float in either corner above the entrance for alternate routes. The corners of this room are lined with Fusion Coils in an attempt to simulate the danger of entering the room. This is where the defending team's objective points are. A golden "veil" separates the room from the next room of the Temple (arguably the main room of the Temple), the Holy Place.

    Holy Place
    The Holy Place is lined with gold as much as possible, but that's about as true to the Biblical specifications as I could get without sacrificing gameplay. There are three items that were to be included in this room, according to the Bible: the table of showbread, the menorah, and the altar of incense. Again, due to budget restrictions, these items were excluded. The room is twice as big as the Holy of Holies, namely because it is twice as long as the Holy of Holies. Included in this part of the map are two BRs, two ARs, two SMGs, and two Plasma Grenades. Going out the front door leads to the Brazen Altar, which is the pinnacle of the so-called Court of the Israelites.

    Brazen Altar

    Wall and Gate
    Where most of the gameplay will happen, the court of the Israelites is Biblically the place where only Hebrew men can enter. In Hasmonean, it is separated from the outer courts by a double-box-wall which is mostly burried in the sands (read: painstakingly geomerged), and is parted in the middle by a tall gateway. This gateway is the most important piece of the map, as it hold the Rocket Launcher on top of it, and in asymmetrical matches, the Shotgun below. To either side of the gate, stone ramps lead to the top of the wall from the Court of the Israelites, providing access to territories, hills, ball-spawns, and whatever else might bring you up there (tactical advantage?). Against the golden structure directly in front of the Temple's entrance (hereafter the Brazen Altar), a Power Drain and a Trip Mine find their spawn. Additionally, in simulation of the fires that were constantly burning on the Brazen Altar, two Fusion Coils rest atop it. The Court of the Israelites is also the emptying place of the Priestly Passages.

    Priestly Passage
    The Priestly Passages are on either side of the Temple's main rooms. Going through a teleporter in the Holy of Holies will bring you to the corresponding side, which begins right over the pillbox entrance (as seen in the picture of the Brazen Altar). Initially Tommy's idea, I decided to keep the long hallways as an alternative (albeit longer) route for people to take to get to and from the Holy of Holies. In the corner in front of the teleporter on either side rests a Brute Shot, and then there is a long hallway leading to a drop. Once you've dropped, turn around and run the same distance backwards to find yourself at the aforementioned pillbox, which is stocked with a Battle Rifle. The view from these pillboxes isn't fantastic, but it provides a good way to pick off anyone trying to get in through the main entrance if you can catch them early enough. While the pillbox (and thereby the Priestly Passages) can be entered from the Court of the Israelites, so too can the Upper Room.

    Upper Room
    Inspired largely by the account at the beginning of the book of Acts, the Upper Room is Biblically where the Spirit of God fell upon the believers, and they received power to evangelize. This is the most symbolic place on the map, as it contains the thematic events that comprise the account there. First, there are no less than three Firebomb Grenades, symbolic of how the Holy Spirit fell in "tongues of fire." And second, there is an Energy Sword--the "Sword of the Spirit" from Paul's writings. Kinda cheesy thematically, but in terms of weapon placement it actually works pretty well.

    Outer Courts

    First "Tent"

    Second "Tents"

    Final "Tent"

    Attacker Spawn

    Warthog Spawn
    Initially, this was one of the most difficult parts of the map to come up with. During the first build, I ran out of items almost immediately after finishing the Temple Wall, and so was left with a very barren outer court that only had one structure for the attackers. However, with a little bit of creativity, I managed to craft what you see now. The idea was to have "tents" outside the temple, similar to what would be seen either in the Jewish campsite en route to the Promised Land, or during the Feast of Tabernacles (Feast of Booths). Corner pieces were carefully placed together in diamond formations that provided increasing cover before the main run on the gate. Additional structures were added to make advancing on the gate a little bit more manageable (though still difficult when under fire), and the Attackers' base neared completion. With a few more items laid in place, and an arsenal of weapons, it was complete. Perhaps the most important feature of the Outer Courts is the Warthog spawn--a critical asset when facing off with the Defenders' Chopper.

    General Pictures:
    An overview of the whole map from behind the Attackers' Base.

    A view of the Defenders' Base and its imposing Temple structure.

    A view of the Attackers' Base and its ragtag-goodness.

    Question: Uh, it seems like it's really one-sided, and like there's not a whole lot of balance to the map. Any plans to fix this?
    Answer: Probably not. It's one-sided because it's meant to be one-sided, and I did my best to balance it out by placing the majority of the weapons on the Attackers' side, giving them an advantage.

    It's set up for Multi-Flag and Multi-Bomb variants, but where are the objective points for the Attackers?
    Answer: The Attackers' flag and bomb-plant points are both under the scaffolding in the "first tent."

    Question: Wouldn't it be kind of offensive or heretical to make this map or even to play on it?
    Answer: I'm not forcing you to play it, but out of consideration I did double check with Insane54 to make sure he wouldn't have issue with such a map--him being Jewish and all.

    Question: Why so many Battle Rifles?
    Answer: People like Battle Rifles? It's not meant to be a crazily competitive map, as the novelty more lies in the near-sacrilege of it.

    Question: What does "Hasmonean" mean, and why'd you pick it?
    Answer: Wikipedia. I settled on Hasmonean because it sounded better than the other alternatives I could come up with, and it was unique enough to stand out. Also, "Tabernacle" was turned into "Blam!" when I put it into the name box, and "Nabertacle" just looks and sounds weird.

    Question: Do you have any more pictures?
    Answer: Yeah, but it won't let me put more than twenty in a post. Click Here for the Photobucket Slideshow.

    Question: How'd you geomerge the double boxes into the sand dunes so perfectly?
    Answer: A looooooooooooooot of patience. I lined up the boxes with the ends of the previous one (as best as possible), put boxes, wedges, or whatever felt good to brace the merging box to keep it in line, and then set the box to be merged to not spawn until I was ready for it. New round, and I floated a box in such a way that, after the box to be merged was merged, it would look as though I merely stacked them. Save, quit, new game, and I grabbed the box to be merged, letting it sink to its desired depth before save-and-quitting. Rinse and repeat for every geomerged box.

    Idea: God, Tommy
    Conceptual Consultants: Casey, Mike, Chris, Daniel,
    ChAoTiC (and everyone else who was in that room when we got to preview Ameliorate)
    Testers: ...everyone who playtested the map.

    Download Hasmonean


    #1 Jpec07, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  2. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Reserved for Action Shots.
  3. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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    this map looks amazing, I tried this out on a few alternate game types and thought that it has great prospectives on 1-bomb, assult, and basic slayer.
    On an asthetic level the halls and priestly passage come off really well, I can almost feel the time and detail put into the map by looking at the photos.

    One word: Whoa!

  4. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    This map looks pretty good. I like the hallways, And I like how you got your idea. I think that this would play well on slayer. I'll download and give this map a try because it looks interesting. 4/5
  5. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Wow man great map! The aesthetics are very well done, especially that arch room. I love the barrier going across the middle of the map, and how it is geomerged. I'll hopefully get to play this later on today. 5/5 for aesthetics.
  6. TurretFrog

    TurretFrog Ancient
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    well, you certainly did your research, and it sure seems accurate from what I remember. Overall, the structures on the map seem fairly well built and neat. I'm always impressed when i see someone geomerge into the dunes on Sandbox. I think you may have balanced out the defensive and offensive aspects. The attackers seem to have more weapons at their disposal but the defenders base does not look like the easiest thing infiltrate. It is definitely aesthetically pleasing. I'd give a 5/5 for the aesthetics. But since I can't do play tests for the moment, I can't say anything on game play.
  7. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Definitely the best temple map I've seen so far on Sandbox, I haven't had the chance to play it yet but by the looks of it, it won't disappoint. It appears that you have a good amount of cover, yet it still appears to be very spacious. Good job.
  8. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Why is this in the aesthetic section? It seems very aesthetically pleasing, but most of the map outside seems centered on gameplay solely. Anyway, I actually really like the look of the map. It seems like a very original idea. Great job basing it off the Bible, too. Good job! 8/10.
  9. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Phenomenal. This not only a spectacular asymmetrical map, but its themed greatly. Obviously you do your daily bible reading my good friend, something many forgehubers seem not to do(damn aethiests). The defender's base is not onyl aesthetically pleasing externally, but internally it doesn't fall flat. It's amazing! Do much architecture structured off biblical recordings, all your missing is some huge-ass ark and a guy flying into skybubble! Of all the things I was thinking to say (pro's, not cons) I could only psit out a few, before I forget them all, which seems to be the case here. This is going to be on my hard drive for quite a while.
  10. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    OMG How does he merge them block doubles in Sandbox. I tried a way this guy tld me and it went wrong so I gave up?
  11. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    Holy Holy of Holies batman! This is insane. A map with this much research put into it. Wow. Really good.
  12. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Wow this map looks amazing
    interior and exterior of all your buildings look excellent.

    i would say you should have posted in competitive to get more views but with the flood of new maps in their itd probably get drowned out.

    Good Job! 10/10
  13. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the compliments, guys. ^_^

    Anywho, just had the thread moved to Competitive, even though its function is still principally aesthetic. To answer the question of geomerging, as I just edited into the first post, it took a lot of patience and save-and-quit item placement to get the pieces just right. Double-box guides and double-tapping were the method of choice, though in retrospect, using this guide's method to specific-angle-depth geomerging would have probably saved me a good deal of frustration.
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Couple things you seem to have forgotten in the courtyard: there's a fairly massive altar and a really big...washing area, I guess is the best way to call it. I don't believe in the new testament stuff myself, but that's just my religion (and personal opinion). Looks pretty accurate otherwise, though the 3 major parts of the main area were probably the most important symbolically, I can understand troubles with the map editor itself that left those parts out.
  15. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Quite possibly one of the worst games I've played.
    Maybe top ten.

    Let's start with the structures:
    -Rather nice looking but don't offer a whole lot of defense for the Attckers
    -Defender's base is VERY cloe quartered inside. And having A Brute shot, sword, shotty, and two maulers promote aggresive camping in the Defenders base
    -The Defender's base is too elaborate, try to simpliy it

    -Please, either take out the warthog or give something that the Defenders cant use EFFECTIVELY to counter it. The openness allowed it to completely dominate the outside battlefield. You did add Rockets, yet twas Neutral, and did add a Splazer but was on the attackers base. This left the Defenders, defenseless against such a force. I was spawn killed numerous times because of it.
    -Too many close range weapon, lead to camiping
    -Take out the Splazer or replace Rockets with the Splazer

    Player Movement:
    -Nice first rush to center, although the Defenders were eventually dominated
    -Defenders stayed in base camping by shield doors/bomb plant

    -If you take out warthog, then I wouldnt have a problem constantly spawning outside and getting spawn killed. Other than the warthog spawn killing me a lot, I had good spawns

    Overall: 4/10
  16. Spwee1494

    Spwee1494 Ancient
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    You without a doubt put a lot of work into
    gonna go play it right now

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