Hey guys. A week ago, I was listening to Enter Sandman on my iPod. Since at the time, I had just got the mythic maps, I thought, "You know what would be cool? A Sandman minigame for Halo". And that's how I came up with this minigame. I hope you guys like it. STORY You and a selection of other men have been assigned to locate and destroy the legendary Sandman living in the Sahara desert. Agility, skill and luck will be vital, and not all will survive. Good luck. GAMETYPE I bet you can guess a lot about the gametype from the story, but I'll explain it anyway. Basically, the Sandman(zombie) must try to eliminate all of the Trespassers(humans). Meanwhile, the humans must try to eliminate him. Here are some stats. SANDMAN Weapon: Rocket Launcher (∞) Shields: 4× overshields Damage: 100% offense, 100% defense Movement: 50% gravity, 300% speed TRESPASSERS Weapons: Energy Sword, Gravity Hammer (∞) Shields: Normal Damage: 100% offense, 100% defense Movement: 50% gravity, 300% speed During the game, all the Sandman can do is try to kill the humans, but the humans have two options. One, they can try to kill the Sandman (very risky). Or two, they can stay safe and try to survive for the round's 4 minutes (there's 6 rounds). Teamwork and total cooperation and communication is needed to kill the Sandman. MAP The map is extremely simple. All it is is the middle level of Sandbox with the guardians(lasers that try to kill you when you run out of the main area) disabled, providing a huge game are to play in, which is in perfect for the extreme movement stats. I tried putting some structures and hiding places, but trust me, it made the game so easy for the humans it wasn't even fun. If you don't like it, go play a really complicated minigame. Also a note, the crypt is blocked off by a killball. PICS And now, the moment we've all been waiting for! The Sandman (he's gold, it's just hard to tell, lol) The Trespassers (my friends I met just that day, lol) DOWNLOADS Gametype: ENTER Map: SANDMAN Oh, and for those who never heard enter sandman, he you go ;P YouTube: Metallica - Enter Sandman END
dude it's good but you should of blocked up the hole frot the crypt with a flat block. but also just as a suggestion the rocket launcher is almost useless when you and your targets have 300% speed, 50% gravity. i would suggest giving him a splazer as a secondary weapon.
If you go into the crypt, there's a killball that kills you, and it's actually not that hard for the sandman to kill the humans. What he's supposed to do is shoot the ground where they're about to land.
wow this was rally creative, playing on a blank map is awsome. Wow this is amazing, this isnt plain or anything. Dude really good job i likew how you added no asthetic details or scenery or anything to the map. It gives it a nice vibrant flow. I bet the gameplay is amazing too especially since there is nothing on the map for like 50 miles but sand he the geometry of the map. But for real dude, you actually have to make a map and post it. This is just blank and it literally has nothing so I dont think this is a proper post. It would have bee if you named it Canvas. This would be good for forging on not playing. Sorry, I just had to say this because this isnt really a map.
i see you like mettallica lol well doesnt look like theres muvh to the map but this mght be one of those custom games you play with your friends and for somme reason everyone likes it or atleast has funwell except for the guy who cant move thats the poblem with this and simmilar games theres atleast one guy whos left out by being the slow gguy id find another way to do it
I already had this map. It's called a CANVAS. Please make sure you have more than one piece of scenery next time you post a map. If all you wanted to post was the gametype, then put it in halo discussion or something else than this.
why are you guys critisizing it cuz its blank. i left it blank because adding extra scenery was unnesscery, and the game is fun anyway. you can't really judge me for originality of finding a way to make a good map when its still blank. it IS fun, if you'd only give it a chance.
Because ForgeHub generally has something to do with forging on a map. Sorry bro but no one wants to run around at 300% with hammers on a blank map. That's just mind-numbingly boring.
This looks poorly thought out. There should be structures and stuff. All you did was delete the objects on the map and put spawn points down.
Nice, I didn't know if you posted it or not, by the way I will post bull and stuff so please don't. I TESTED THIS! I"M THE WHITE/RED GUY!
Forgehub is about posting maps you forged, to share them with others. You didnt really create a map. So since forgehub is about creating new maps to use and posting them, it doesnt make sense that you posted it under mini-game MAPS. The entire point of your game is the gameplay changes. Therefore, it shouldnt be in the maps section, it should be under halo 3 discussion. People in this forum are looking for MAPS, not GAMETYPES.
I'm sorry, I know you've gotten a lot of criticism over the map being blank, so I won't say it. However, all I WILL say is that after four minutes of chasing the humans around and not succeeding, I would just give up and leave the game..