Bandalero Bandalero is a large, symmetrical map on the second level of sandbox. I named it after a song by slightly stoopid that I like, and I thought it went with the map. This is my second map. I expect honest, not rude or benign, feedback. The map can be played with most playing styles. Those who prefer vehicle action can cruise on the outskirts with a warthog, buddy up on a mongoose, or terrorize the opposing team with a banshee. Those who prefer more serious competitive gameplay can control areas with the BR and take control of the spartan laser to counter any vehicles. It's even fun for noobs like me! Weapons: BRx9 ARx2 Carbinex1 Splazerx1 Shottyx1 Sniperx2 SMGx4 Plasma pistolx1 Brute shotx2 Rocketx2 (no clips, long respawn) Fragx14 Plasmax6 Bubblex2 Regenx1 Vehicles: Bansheex1 Hogx2 Goosex2 Screenshots: Overview: Red Base: Blue Base: Base Front (Same as blue): Middle area and splazer spawn: Base sniper spawn (Same as Red): Rocket spawn: Spine/Half of sniper perch: Shotty spawn/enclosed middle area: Top of OS spawn, carbine/regen spawn: OS spawn: Banshee Spawn (Not much cover, I'm a fan of risk-reward): Angle Base View: Does anyone else see a smiley on this grenade? DL: : Halo 3 File Details Hit me up with a PM if you want to test it with me.
not bads =]. maybe add an effect like gloomy or something but its a download from me =] il give it 4/5 ps. i saw the smilie =]
I was thinking about adding an effect but it didn't go with the name and it can hurt gameplay but thanks for the feedback.
i like most of this map, but i think that banshee spawn is a copy of the one on sandtrap so its not that original. its a realy well done map and u are very corect with your merging. great! 4,5/5
Just looking at the pictures, it looks great. 4.5/5. I have to agree with ubgrayedd though; the banshee placement isn't very original. I do, however, like your usage of wood bridges. It is a welcome break from the monotony of the sandy stones throughout the rest of the map. I'll download, play and re-rate.
Definitely a great map! Really balanced, risk/reward features look good, utilized Trick, weapons are even and balanced. My only questions would be about spawn points and how the gameplay flows. Other than that, great map! 10/10!
Yeah unfortunately when the banshee spawn came along I only had four items left so I did what I could but I'll see if I can improve it next time. Expect a v2 and thanks for the feedback.
i looks really good, u added enough structures and cover so that if someone does go out in the dunes they will be hard pressed for getting kills.
When I first saw this I thought, you seem to have stolen a few items from Oasis, (My second favorite sandbox map so far) bu then realized you created this map with an unusual style in mind. I adore the imagination, but the two bases are too standard. Try something a bit more radical. symmetrical maps are only good looking on one side anyways. but that is all personal opinion. keep forging dude.
Got any ideas for a base structure? I wanted to keep that open, warehouse-like feel that works well with maps like utah mambo, but I agree that they are a bit standard.