Hey guys, this is kind of a rough draft, but please download... i will make a 100% smooth variant if this gets enough good feedback... thanks... Story behind the map: The USNC needed an outpost to help hold of the flood. The structure (pictured below) was created specifically for this... being in the sky (out of flood jumping range), the marines could easily pick of hundreds of flood as they passes below. As time waned on, the war moved elsewhere and the structure became empty... Now this is a place for Spartans-in-training come to get their necessary skills... Map layout: Fully symetrical, higher bases with low mid, rockets and snipe inbetween base and mid height... Weapons: Frag grenade-10-10sec, Plasma grenade-6-10sec, BR-4-10sec, Carbine-4-30sec, Rocket-1-3min-0 spare, Sniper-1-2:30min-1 spare, Mauler-1-2:30min-1 spare... Gametype: Capture the Flag Pictures: Full map(behind rockets): Full map(side veiw): Rockets: Rockets from blue: Top-mid from red: Snipe: Red Base: Map download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype download (same as CTF ONS v6): Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details remember, its just a playable version, i want to see how it plays before i make it perfect... thanks guys... I NEED HELP TESTING if anyone is interested, message me (gt: Hulksey) hope you guys enjoy EDIT: did some changing already and personally like it 100% better than before... hit the object limit so theres not much MORE i can do with it, but if theres stuff that needs to be moved around please tell me... thanks heres the pics...
Spawnkilling will be a MAJOR problem here. There is a single platform with almost no cover to spawn on. A team could be trapped there easily. The map itself is good, but it has too many holes. MLG is all about constant, fluid gameplay, and holes never help that along. The structure of the map is good, it could use some railings. Did you know that all your pictures are the same? You may want to fix that. 3.5 but can improve a lot.
yea... i already fixed the pics... noticed it right after i posted... thanks for the feedback... any suggestions on how i could help make cover?
Try making the spawn place wider, maybe a second level above it to really make sure that it won't be a problem. For cover, testing always helps. Look for lines of sight, and block them if they lead to spawnkilling.
Does anybody even know what MLG is anymore? Really, holes defeat the whole purpose of MLGs smooth, continuous, fluid play style. Seal them there holes, remove rockets, fix spawns and you have yourself a very average, uninspired MLG map on the sky bubble, again... Really, the bubble may be perfect for these kind of things, but it's just like when foundry came out and everybody posted the same freaking map concept. With time however, I know that some good stuff will start to form in the bubble. 2/5
Okay a couple things. 1) Try putting this into competitive maps instead of mlg. You may get better reception and advice from the comunity. 2) With the type of description this map has, I expected some (or better yet most) of the flooring would be wall slits so that it is plausible that marines would have shot flood below them. (This is just an aesthetic improvement) 3) As another has said, fix the spawn placements. Put a lot of spawns, but only next to cover or near areas players don't usually go to. 4) some of those walls and floors don't look straight, and don't feel smooth when you play on it. solutions a) do better on version two or b) follow the link and read about wierd stuff happening to object placements. Bungie.net : Bungie Weekly Update: 04/17/09 : 4/17/2009 4:22 PM PDT 5) just keep working. You'll reach a major breakthrough eventually ^.^
thanks a ton vanyel... im going to playtest this a bit before i start a v2... ill make alterations during testing (mostly for spawns, smoothness of floors, ect.) but until then i still need people to help play test... thanks
I can help playtest it with you on saturday after 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. when I get my xbox back. (I get it back saturday) my gamertag is vanyel37
ok i got some good and some bad for this map. GOOD: i like the set up and the forging is pretty good some spots here and there that could use some tweaking but nothing major BAD: its very open could use some more cover. the main bases look very bleak and uninspired compared to the rest of the map. also i know since everyone is trying to build an MLG map in skybox they leave holes to fall through but i really dont think MLG would have holes you can just walk off at. thats just my opinion though. overall its a decent looking map with potential. looking forward to a V2! 7/10
alright... i added a couple things and took out the major holes... im really glad you guys said something it already looks/feels a lot better... right now im thinking of a way to make the base better and the overall map less open... thanks a ton guys... please keep the suggestions coming... *reserved for screenshots*
I like the layout but I agree with the lack of cover. Especially the side walkway (second pic: right side) you may either want to add walls around the side of it (to keep people in the middle from shooting them) or keep it open to the middle, but add a wall through the middle of the walkway (preventing shots from the other side of the walkway) I would be up for testing it as well, message me anytime GT: Possessed Goat
It looks decent and like what was stated the spawning isn't great. Most MLG maps go with a base with 2 walkways from each side to 2 middle structures linked by a middle walkway. This design flow shouldn't be changed to much if it is it just really isn't mlg. Like said before, make the bases 2 stories or add walkways on either sides. Doing an MLG map in the skybubble is hard, it takes alot of creativity and thinking, thats why i do mine in the crypt or main floor. But with work you can create an awesome mlg map so keep at it. 2.5/5
thanks for the help guys... i updated the first post and added some new pics... i took the advice of closing some holes and trying to make the spawning better... again, please criticize... just do it constructively...
The map looks good but the spawns will be messed up and it would make grenades very hard to use as they wilf fall of map and so will the players i sugest that you put a little barrer around the outside because that would make this map much better .
i think its a little bit too open and maybe u could interlock all your objects better. i played it yesterday and it was a little bit too easy to fell down to death. but all in all i like the layout. nice map
thanks f2p... ive been busy lately and still havent been able to run games... i know its a bit messy right now, but ill try to run games and consider a v2... other than it being open and easy to fall off, is there anything else that would need work on...
Looking good The map looks pretty solid from the screenshots but maybe a little too open. Other than that can't wait to play it... As soon as my xbox gets fixed T-T
i finally got to run 1 game on it... w00t.... it worked pretty well but it still needs improvements... the spawns weren't as bad (without set-ups) as i thought they would be... from the game i played it seems like there will be a lot of clutch flag stops/caps... im not sure how overpowering the rockets and sniper will be with a set-up, but it wasnt much of a problem at all... if anyone has people willing to play this map (i dont have anyone that wants to play a random forged map over MLG v6 customs) please send me a messae... i need all the feedback i can get because im starting on a v2... thanks
looks like there wasnt much planning though it does impress me. Try filling in the spaces with other stuff like pallets, grav lifts,man cannons or anything 4.5/5