dude i got to say, this maps asthetics are amazing. i always knew you were good ever since i saw endor but this has blown me away. 10/10 amazing job.
Comments Thanks for the great comments guys. Aesthetic originality is what I go for on every map I build. I try to create structures that I've never seen before. Uniqueness is something I respect highly and what I look for when I'm cruising through the forums for new maps to download. I'm working on my last Foundry map for a while now and anxiously waiting for the Mythic Pack to be released on Marketplace. Thanks again for all the positive feedback.
At first, I was pretty much blown away by the aesthetics. Good job on those. The gameplay, however, has some flaws. 1.Sniper+high vantage point+shield doors=no fun. You can easily kill people with the sniper, and when you get shot at with a battle or sniper rifle, you can just walk backwards and have cover. And because you placed them like a cross, it also gives cover from the sides. 2. Never place a Sniper riffle AND a Beam riffle in one map. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...inubidixs-guide-weapon-placement-snipers.html Sorry if i'm a little rude on your map. I see it's potential as a feature and I want to help you. Keep forgin'!
im simply amazed. this map not only is eye candy but it plays amazing too. i love one sided bomb on this where u have to infultrate the castle. 5/5 in every aspect P.s. this should be highly considered for a feature