Render: : Halo 3 File Details and Theme/Style: Just make it look cool Texts/Fonts: Lil Zdub Quote: Think It, Build It Additional: Please take the spartan screen shot make it pop and then fade the Monitor into the sig. Size: Sig Regulation Add: Yeah we be reppin' Houston! :haha:
I'll take Zdub's, seeing as Itz Noob is banned... EDIT - I'm not sure how you want those two together, could you describe more of a theme you want to it? And please explain the texst, because it would make more sense to me if you did. Please and Thank you!
OK PLease put the spartan in front with some cool effects [dont know what you come up with something] and the Forge Monitor Faded into the picture behind the spartan. I want my GT on the somewhere [you place it] and along with the qoute: Think it, Build it. Thanks alot i owe you
Do you have a different picture I could use? The splotches of color in the picture are hard to work with.
i whould like rackem to do my sig : Halo 3 File Details but i whould like if you did a kinda redishpurple effect text: fallout films other notes:also make an avatar with the same pic