In no particular order. One of my favorites. Guerilla Union hip hop community. <3 Was way to grungy for me. Never used it anywhere. :-/ Was used for maybe a day or two. One of my favorites. <3 Too generic. Used for a day. Bad color mix. Bad hue settings. Abuse of C4D's. Two of my faves. Used for maybe a day. Not even. One of the best movies. Ever. Discuss/Post works.
Wow, youve got some nice PS skills. Your complaining about you hue and stuff, but I'm just like Holy Crap I want your skills.
The cloverfeild one would be so much better without the map, but they are really grate sigs. what programs do you use?
omg nice your way better at gimp or photo shop then i am i love the Bioshock one a whole lot it looks really cool
btw if anyone wants them i'll edit my name out and everything or change colors and you can have them. I'll even put your name in for you. Anyone except the Mrs. Dynamite, Guerilla union, and the two Afro Samurai sigs.
Wow those are AMAZING. I used to make sigs, I was getting pretty good and then my computer crashed so I don't have photoshop anymore. And I got it for free too. Does anyone know how to get it free?
:squirrel_rubberduckthe lemon of truth :squirrel_rubberduck :happy: wow hold on you can get photo shop for free where do i sine up :happy: