Well I have realized that the popularity of The Graphics and Arts section has really grown in the past few months, and more and more people every day are becoming interested in Graphics. So I was wondering how YOU guys became interested. I know there are a lot of people on FH that have invested a lot of time in Graphics, so I want to know how it all started for you guys. ................................................ Mine: I first became interested in graphics as a child. I used to make stop motion cartoons using Microsoft Paint. That was many many years ago. Then, last August my friend told me about Gimp. This was a few months after i joined FH. I then fell in love with making sigs and wallpapers. To tell you the truth, i was really inspired by some of the people on FH. One would be Diz. I remember looking at his sigs wishing i knew how to make ones just as good. Another was Whisper. He had a lot of amazing signatures that really inspired me to start making sigs. Also Linubidux. He made me my first few sigs, he even helped me out a little when i first started making sigs. Ever since then, i have been working with graphics non-stop. ................................................ So, what's your story?
Oddly enough I knew someone who made sigs but I didn't really spend the time paying attention to basically everything they did. Well I go to school and my friend Donii basically talks about FH alot and he tells me about a guy named Lockdown who made him a sig. Well I decide to check it out then pretty soon I had to request one, after that I checked the sig you made, I was just like: "Damn" I wanna make **** like that" (being a good thing). But it was mainly Piggelz and LOCK who really interested me into sig making(don't know if that's a verb). So I start makin sigs on photoshop pretty soon It failed on me and I moved on to GIMP. So basically I've been making sigs since then Edit: Well of course as a child I made kickass Halo and Gears of War graphics. Just had to throw it out.
Well, I really got into graphics when I came to this section looking for a sig shop, so I could get a sig. There was this thing about ps or gimp and I glanced at it, soon afterward I dl'd gimp and started making a few sigs. That was around August of last year, but after a while I fell out of it and I'm really just now getting back in the grove of making sigs. I would have to say my motivators would be Lock, M.Jelleh, Sdrak, Juggz, and Diz. Pretty much the vertrans of the G-n-A section.
Well really most of the people here, excluding my one know person M.Jelleh, are around 13-16 or maybe a little above.
Well, I have my background of art through my moms side of the family. It naturally is in me to love and be good at art. My great grandma has a golden bust in the women's art museum in Chicago. I started drawing at the age of 4 and have grown to be very talented for my age. (14) I started computer graphics when I was about 10 and just eventually got a knack for it. I am very computer savvy and love my mac. My mom is also a graphic design major and has her own free-lance graphics support. I guess that's all. lol
Right after I joined this website, I saw all the cool sigs and wanted to make them myself. I don't remember who I asked, but someone mentioned GIMP to me and I have been making sigs since.
Yay for long post! I've been interested in Graphics ever since I found out what my dad's job was. A year before I was born he got his first Graphic Design job at a small studio in London, stayed there for a while and it was only when he moved up in the world and was asked to join a larger company that I found out what he did. I've always wanted to follow exactly what my dad did, in terms of career at least. I'm 17, and I've been doing Graphic work for a good 3 or 4 years now. I worked for my dad at his self-run Studio in London over the Holidays a year ago, and also worked for a large Design company that have done work for Music chain stores and work for FIFA. I'm going to be going into University next year, and my dad told me to go for a Photography degree and work in Design part time during my course. Once I have my degree in the bag, my dad's taking me on Full Time and helping me get some work after that.
I don't believe i was the slightest bit interested in graphic design before i joined FH. i was interested in architecture, and that brought me to forge, and that brought me to forgehub. Joining Forgehub, i published my first map, and knew i was gonna suck so i explored the community. I first came to the G&A section and was interested in Deepmonkey paw's work. back then, some word art on top of a picture was good... i was kind of brought up following in the footsteps of LOCK and Diz.. i was always a step behind them. oh and one other person who inspired me: Reynbow
The only person that inspired me was Knight Kninja, and only one of his signatures had inspired me. The rest was self taught. I first became interested in art when I was five years old. I used to draw Pokemon and DBZ crap up the wall.
When I was 2 years old I got into art, and then through out the years my styles of art has been growing since I started with art. I started computer gaming at around 11 years old, with Halo and then to Star Wars Republic Commando, I met some people who made "weird things" in programs and I asked what they did to make things like that, so they got me Photoshop and I had no clue at the time what the heck that program was, I started experimenting with it, and 4 and a half years of experience is behind my work, lots of inspiration goes into my work aswell, like my music and some friends really stand out to me and inspire me. That's my story.
ive always been into G&A's, i used to be an aspired painter, but then i grew older. I used MSpaint making stupid cartoons having a blast. Used it for about 3 years, came acroos FH, and this is how it started in G&A; i got into graphics by looking at boydeh's signature actually. I saw GIMP, and i was all like, "WTF is Gimp?" Then i downloaded it... My signatures weren't the best, but every step of the reticule, improvements, CnC's brought me closer. I was inspired also by LOCK, I found out he used GIMP. His signatures were beast, and knowing me and him had the same program inspired me just as more to try my hardest. Then, i found Photoshop (current). I immediately feel in a deep trance/ love with the program. I kept progressing to the level im at today. It still feels as if im a noob at signatures, but i had a definite blast doing so. All this led me closer and closer to G&A
I used to cartoon when I was 7-10. I also know that my mom said I loved coloring as a toddler. I also did little flippy comics on post it note pads and animations I guess is what that was. Then I had GIMP for a while but never really used it for much. Then around christmas time I ventured into a mysterious world that I only knew as the G&A Section. I saw some things by Dizfunky and LockdownN and was hooked on it. I started using GIMP and making sigs which I'm sure you all remember my first sigs And so then I got into it and am still doing GFX but have widened my GFX Styles. I work in a Sig Shop and do the GFX for the site XForgery. I make some wallpapers and sigs but am working on a theme for there site right now.
I've always been interested in art, more specifically drawing, and I've been taking as many classes and camps to improve and learn. So, last year I went to a graphic design class at an Art Institute and that's when I started using Photoshop and Illustrator, but I'm still more into hand drawn material. And after being in Forgehub for a few months I decided to check out GnA and was like, I want to try that.
Last August i came to the G&A section for the first time. I dont remember exactly why, but it was most likely to get a sig of my own. It was then when i got the idea to make my OWN sig. Because everything everyone made here looked so damn cool. So i brought out an old disc of Photshop Elements 4 that i had and went to work with it. I was TERRIBLE. And i still am. But i just keep going because i enjoy doing it, not because its actually getting me anywhere.