Sandbox Mirage

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dilligaf, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf Ancient
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    MirageCreated by Dilligaf Supported Gametypes:All standard gametypes are supported, but biased towards team games. Map DescriptionAmidst the arid sands sits a small oasis complete with pools of shimmering water, lush grass, and even trees bearing a strange giant albino coconut… Ok, so I’m not sure if this should go in the competitive or casual section, so if I’m putting it in the wrong forum please have someone move it. Mirage is symmetrical, with small “bases” consisting of a grove of trees, a small hut, and a pool of water on either side of a central tower. I made it more for aesthetics than anything else, though the gameplay is decent. The weapon set is covenant based, having needlers, carbines, plasma rifles, brute shots, fuel rod, beam rifle, and both plasma and spike grenades. Even the vehicles are covenant – ghosts, prowler, and banshee. I’m at work right now (though I’d rather be playing Halo) so I don’t have a complete weapons list. While the map is setup for all standard gametypes, it’s more just for a relaxing game with friends. So, as always, since my descriptions suck, here’s the pics.
    An overview.
    [​IMG] One of the two pools of water on either side of the central tower structure.
    [​IMG] The GAC (Giant albino coconuts). These odd white fruits grow on the trees and can be knocked off.
    [​IMG] A small hut with a tree next to it. A good place to spawn as it gives some decent cover and houses a brute shot, 2 carbines, and some nades.
    [​IMG] A look at the center structure from the side. On the left side of the pic is where the covenant sniper spawns.
    [​IMG] A side structure off of the main tower. Watch out for the grass! It’s been known to grab a hold of vehicles!
    So there it is. Feedback is appreciated. Download Mirage
  2. Meeky

    Meeky Ancient
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    I must admit, from the overview it kind of looked like your map was just a pile of random junk, but it looks like you actually put quite a bit of thought into this. Good work.
  3. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    I frickin lol'd at your description about the trees. It's a nice attempt to make the map more then just some sand blocks. Good idea. Also, all of the structures look very well buillt.
    #3 Skarrow, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
  4. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Hahaha! I LOVE those trees! It is better than Sandy Blocks that every other map that is on here. Something original for a change. The structures are also very well built. You might want to fix them up a little bit, because in the first picture I was like..WTF...?

    4/5. I am still questioning a DL because it looks more aesthetics than gameplaying.

    Rated Dirty
  5. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf Ancient
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    Yeah, it's look pretty random at first, but it's actually laid out to be symmetrical. I really wanted to give Sandbox some color, and incorporate the odd gravity effects of the tin cups. Originally I was going to just do planters, but then the idea of trees came to me and it sounded like fun. The giant albino coconuts actually got added when my kid (who doesn't have the patience for much forging) was knocking some golf balls around and got one to stick in a tree.

    It's a fun map, but admittedly not groundbreaking in any way. Just good fun :).
  6. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    when i first saw this i was like what the hell?
    but i like how you made trees
    ive never seen that before
    i was also thinking that maybe this should go in the aesthetics section?
    great work though 3.5/5
  7. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    omg amazing you randomly placed tin cups over half the map and attached golfbballs the idea is very unoriginal but lets talk about how it would play you seem to have the rass playing a role in gameplay but with the areas you have them and how many of them there are they wont effect ehicles very much overall looks like gameplay would be decent the only problem i have is the tin cups make it look terrible the prowler might be better if replaced by a hog but id have to try it looks good except the tin cups
  8. MADMAN Redux

    MADMAN Redux Ancient
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    Personally, I think some of this is brilliant. I especially like the "gazebo" structure with the small lawn area. I'm downloading just so I can walk around on it and see what else you did.
  9. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    What did punctuation do to you?

    The map looks very good, the centerpiece is great. In my opinion, the aesthetics are very nice, but as in your description, the gameplay will only be decent. In non-enclosed areas the BR would completely control the map, but adding more cover could help that if you have not yet hit the item limit. 4/5, but has a lot of potential. Zombies may be fun on this now that I think about it.
    #9 Mr Garfunkle, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
  10. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf Ancient
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    Benji- Yeah, it might need to go to aesthetic. I just put it in competitive since it's set up for actual competitive play. Or casual. I just wasn't sure so I stuck it in competitive.

    Heretic - The trees aren't placed randomly- or at least they are placed identically on both sides of the map. The actual placement of the trunks was to give cover from the banshee and cross-map fire as well as giving a different method of getting on top of the structure near the grove of trees. You're right that the grass doesn't effect gameplay all that much. The prowler gets stuck on it some, and under the trees as well. Basically, I ran out of tin cups. If I could, I'd have made a huge field of them, but didn't have enough. The golf balls as coconuts I thought was original though, at least I've never seen it done.

    Madman - This map was made to test out a few ideas. A little geomerging, some interlocking, and the tin cups. Thanks for the dl.

    Garfunkle - I haven't hit the item limit, but I'm pretty sure I'm almost out of budget. I never use budget glitched maps. Anyways, yes, the cover issue can make it difficult to get all the way across the map if someone has taken up position on the surrounding dunes. I've tried to remedy the problem by including carbines near the major spawn areas. That's also the reason I'm not sure how zombies would work on this map.

    And thanks to everyone for the feedback!
  11. F2P Gametypes

    F2P Gametypes Ancient
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    no idea what i could tell you about your map.
    i will download it and gic´ve u feedback then.

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