Antikus MLG v.1 Hi folks, this is my new Map. Actually you can play MLG TS and MLG Ball at it. But I am not sure, if Ball works at the Sky Bubble, as the Ball do not spawn back, if it falls out of the Map. Weapons: 4 BRs 4 Carbines 1 Snipe 1 Mauler 4 Frag Grenades 6 Plasma Grenades Powerups: 1 Active camouflage The Map based on Guardian and Lockout, but it’s more symmetrical. There are two Tower Bases, red and blue. Actually there are Gravelifts to jump on the tower, but I am not sure, if this works well. There is a middle structure wit a top and mid area. Instead of Blackout/Lockout you will not be able to camp in the mid area. There are two other Bases. The Lift tower (or SniperTower, as there is the Snipe Spawn) and the camouflage Base. All Bases are connected wit the middle Structure. The camouflage Base and the Lift tower are connected with a bottom hall way. At the middle of the Hallway spawns a Mauler. Maybe I will make TS an TD Variant. Downloadlink: Antikus MLG v.1 Here are some Pictures: [FONT="]Whole Map:[/FONT] Bottom Hallway with Mauler: [FONT="]View from the mid Area to the Lift tower:[/FONT] [FONT="]Top Lift + Snipe:[/FONT] [FONT="]Blue Elbow and Bottom Lift:[/FONT] [FONT="]Top blue Base:[/FONT] [FONT="]Top red Base:[/FONT] [FONT="]View from Bottom Tower Base through the middle:[/FONT] [FONT="]Top camouflage Base (it’s a demo Version, so the Camouflage isn’t exactly in the mid):[/FONT] [FONT="]camouflage Base:[/FONT] [FONT="]Top Mid:[/FONT]
idk if it is my computer but the screens are really small. I can't really see the map well enough to give good feedback but what i can see it looks ok (I think). You should Watch This Video