Dude, HOW DO YOU DO IT? Srsly, how'd you make these?! Lol My fav was Shadow Ops - the fact that the only illuminated things in the pic is the visor and the side of the Magnum only adds tl the imposing "epicness" of the shot. In fact it reminds me of another friend of mine's well known pic. Really great shot, 5/5 for 1st, 4/5 for 2nd. Also, u got that m2af I sent u?
The first one is eh, I was kind of shocked with the effect, but the second screenshot made my eyes go @_@. That screenshot has amazing color and depth. I dont know how you got that effect, but that is definitely the first time I have seen that, and I am very impressed by it. The color and lighting on the magnum is farely interesting. Its like it sharpened itself. Nice job man.
in the first one, i like how the visor and the gun are darker than the rest, i think the 2nd is better because the visor and gun are both illuminated, and seem to be firey. 5/5 once again. HOW DO YOU DO IT
Haha, I don't know how I get these. Luck, I suppose. You just gotta know good places for lighting in the maps. And yeah, I got the M2AF. =( But, I suppose there's more important things than Halo. And thanks guys, I appreciate the positive feedback. =)
How do you get all these great screenshots dammit! The second picture I love the most mainly because the Magnum and the visor stick out from the rest of the picture giving off a good effect. The first picture intrigues me too, that orange line makes me like the picture even more than I would without it for some reason. I also like it seeing the name of the picture is actually my sir name (my name is Jaidan Trigger) : ] If only I took pictures as good as yours...
Stop complimenting me! Haha. You're all going to boost my ego through the friggin' roof. lol. Seriously though, thanks guys. =)
i give it a 9.25 because the screen effects are really really cool but the helmet is over used for screen shots.
Uhh ... wow. Really? I'm not arguing with the rating, that's fine, but you lower the rating because they were staged? That's ... ridiculous. And the helmet is used so much because it looks great.
Shadow Ops is really. I would have to say it's bungie favorites material. The lighting on the magnum really makes the dark spartan look a lot better. Also the back ground is really good, it makes it look it's night time. Great job on Shadow Ops.