Okay. I see your point. But that's it. That is YOUR point of view on what Forge Hub SHOULD be! Forge Hub is a place where everyday Forgers can show their maps to people and give them a chance to play it! If your want only "elite" forge'd maps, why don't you go off and make your own site for them? Personally, I actually like these town maps. Each one that I play has a different layout and a different kind of play to it. Sure, some may be similar in a couple of aspects, but that doesn't mean you have to go on every thread, ranting about how unoriginal they are!
It's not my point on how it SHOULD be, it's always how I viewed ForgeHub was/is. Town maps were fine... when we were limited in Foundry with height restrictions. The height restrictions are now at least three times of what it was in Foundry. I think it's time to stop with the grade school crap and start being more creative. This is a forum. This is a place where I can voice my opinion. You may not agree with it, but I have as much right to say it's unoriginal... as you have to say that you like it. If you don't like my opinion, don't read my posts. It's that simple. Go off and live in your stale, grade school project world that my 5 year old niece could probably build with her building blocks. Heck, I'll call her up and see if she'll come over and build you another little town map. It's sure not difficult to put up 4 walls and a roof. A kindergartener should easily be able to handle that.
If you've always viewed Forge Hub as some sort of sanctuary for only the Godliest of Forgers, then you are mistaken. But that is clearly obvious as to how much you whine and complain on other people's threads. As for you voicing your opinion, sure, that is perfectly fine. However, the least you could do is tell the person WHAT they can do to make it better, besides telling the person it's unoriginal (Not to mention that you even comment on, in your opinion, GOOD maps stating that they didn't make a terrible town map. Way to be obsessive about it). You telling the person that their map is unoriginal does absolutely nothing in your great conquest to rid Forge Hub of town maps. All that person would see is just an unnecessary comment followed by some other decent comments by people that would like to play the map. Now if you go and call up your 5 year old niece, you are, simply put, a terrible person. Having her build you a nice castle out of blocks so you can sit on your throne and dictate all of those unoriginal maps, all just so you can crush her creation, slap her in the face and scream, "UNORIGINAL! I REJECT YOU!!" as your niece replies, "I am a God awful person for not making a map as good as your Hoth Planet! Shame on ME!" I think I've made my point, and if you fail to see what I am talking about, get out.
I am not saying this map is bad. It just looks really small. Unless you hit the OLN I would add some scenery or something to make it look better. Also did you want a Cops and Robs feel to the game including honor rules, or were you just making an infection game?
You should probably read his posts instead of looking at the pretty pictures, man. I'm pretty sure that this is an infection game.
I never said ForgeHub was for the godliest of forgers, but if you were half as creative with putting words into my mouth as you were in creating maps... I probably wouldn't be having this discussion and would be enjoying some decent maps on Sandbox. Forgehub was a place where I saw originality and creativity. All I did was merely pointed out that there were five other town maps just on page one of the casual forum. If 25% of the maps on a page are of the same subject... that's unoriginal. You don't see 25% of the maps on a page about Hoth Planet or even Star Wars, do you? That is my point. You're given a piece of paper and told to draw a face... do you draw a circle with two dots with eyes and a line for a mouth or do you sketch a face with shading? I think I've made my point, and if you fail to see what I am talking about, get out... and post your maps on Bungie's forums. As for my niece, If she built me a house or town on forge, I'd actually be proud of her because it would be good and creative... for a 5-year old.
Okay okay okay... I just want to know where, in God's great name, did drawing a face, ever come from. I certainly don't see the concept of originality related. So if you were somewhat hinting that you're a terrible artist, they have other websites to go to..(this is a joke, just in case you didn't catch that..) Secondly, who are YOU in telling me where to put MY maps?! Funny thing about that.. I don't see any sign of site authority about you. And for the little bit about my maps being UNORIGINAL.. SURE. I will admit that my maps are LACKING originality! But should they be taken down just because YOU said so? Because they're unoriginal? I made the maps with the idea of having a fun time playing a casual game of Halo 3 with my friends, so I thought I would share the maps on this website so that people could possibly download it and have some fun. On an unoriginal (God forbids,) but enjoyable map. Now technically, your hoth planet map is not original whatsoever.If it's based on star wars, it's hardly original. (THAT'S SIMILAR TO WHAT YOU SAID EARLIER!! !!) Maybe for making it into a sandbox map, if that's what you're looking for.I somewhat regret complimenting the map now... Now my point here is just to say that sure, maps may be unoriginal, and not as creative as others, but some of them are actually fun to play on with some friends on a lazy afternoon. But you don't bother downloading and trying them, you just look at the pictures, see it's a town, and *BLASPHEMY!!* IT'S A TOWN!! ANGRYYY!!!! Sure, if the map is bad with gameplay and a terribly built town, you can criticize it justly.(After all, some maps play better than they look) But just criticizing it's originality isn't the best way to rate maps..