I've already started on the Human ship. I just need some help making a Covenant ship. I will add you to the list of creators. It's located on Sandbox. This map can be used for Team slayer, Assault, and CTF. My GT: Mando Verd 0722
scratch the Covenant ship, and replace it with a forerunner one. (using ramps and walls, anything silver) the human one should have containers on the outside to identify it.
Could you post some pics of what's done? I cant help, I'm just interested in what it looks like. Sound like a good map idea.
it sounds awsome. i could only help a little bit but i do know a few good forging tricks. GT:Mavrick145 P.S: i'd make the other ship a Rebel ship or a small covenant ship (you could make the nose with corners.)
Err..right...just merge shield doors with the exterior and ta-da, you have yourself a "Covenant" ship. If you're planning to add turrets, make both have their respective faction. And for deck guns (or if they are inside the ship) use their respective faction too. (ex. plasma cannons and wraiths on the Covenant ship and human turrets and scorpions on the Human ship) It would be a Star Wars episode 3 type of ship to ship battle if it were like that. "All batteries fire!" Also expose the wraiths and scorpions so they are destructible. And add fusion coils around (not right next to) so they can kill the guy behind it. Makes things easier for both sides.
It would be a Star Wars episode 3 type of ship to ship battle if it were like that. "All batteries fire!"-ASC671 lol, but a good idea all the same.
a lot of people have had these ideas, but i just dont belive its good aesthetics gameplay can prolly rock, but honestly.... A STONE SHIP!? It's not worth it
That's what I thought he was referring to when I posted my first post on this thread. As soon as I read ship, I automatically think of Avalanche.
Make a wall of Block, Tiny 's near the top of one ship, and something too land on near the bottom of the other ship, and you can easily jump ships via Warthogs.
Cool. Thanks for all the ideas guys I'll keep them in mind. I'll fr to all who posted their GTs. Thanks again.
i got a semi good idea. you could light up the covenant ship with the blue balls of light. in the in all the halos the Covie. ships sre light up woth blue.
I've sent the map to you JohnDoe with the covenant ship on it. I hope you like it. Give me some credit if you post it.