yeah sure, but you may as well change it for ppl downloading in the future. Other peepl can re- DL if they feel like it aswell lol and re-downloading isn't that much of a hassle for me tbh. yer, i'll rate em now
thanks alot appreciate it. and thanks to everyone else who has left positive feedback! keep it coming
I have been playing the map today and like the layout of the weapons, i think they are well balanced as the high vantage points are both sides so the weapons give the player plenty of opertunities to get to the top and prolly take the sniper out.
Just to let you know, i have played some custom games on the map, and have uploaded some more screenshots of close-ups and action shots, as u requested. Hope u enjoy
dam. this looks really clean. even though theres no merging! (from what i see) sometimes the best maps have no merging! grats on that! the gamplay seems like it would play pretty well. the tunnels are nice and straight. Also with that sword placement you should move the rocket to where the man cannon spits you out and put the sword on the cube in the center so its a little more difficult to get. otherwise this is a great map! nice job!
thanks and no there isnt any merging this is our first attempt at ever making a map so were not really up to scratch on all the techniques, but never the less it has turned out well XD and thanks to everyone for supporting it
This is pretty cool for a first poster. The sides and middle seem a little open for such a long distance. Also, regarding your post, add a weapon list with respawn times and spare clip amounts. This would give us a better idea of the gameplay. I dont really like the Sword AND Shotty being so close together, but I guess its OK. Only a noob would run around with both. I will DL and get back to you. But I really think you should not post your map till you have play tested it yourself. Then you would have noticed those starting points not being fixed. Making a good map doesnt just involve building it. It take hours of testing every gametype and finding weak spots and fixing them. But it was your first time so its okay.
still a few problems i'm finding. no start spawn points for gametypes. just spawn in the middle height of sandbox. Also, still no goals. where are the flags, bombs, oddball etc? Put them in. The sniper on the side with the cube is lying next to a weapon holder. is that on purpose or did you miss or something? sword still in the same place? you leaving it there?
thanks for your comments everyone... as for the spawn points, im not entirley sure what happened there, i spent hours setting them all up and testing them in customs, i know i saved it and i havnt deleted it, however when playin last night it shows that the spawning points for all gametypes have been deleted, which means that i cant load the map and just edit the spawns again, because i am at item limits and it wont let me place anymore objects. if anyone knows a way around this then some advice would be helpful. thanks. The sniper laying on the floor was not intentional either and i dont know how that has come about it was fine during testing so i must have knocked it by accident and not realised, ill get it sorted asap. sorry for the inconveniences. As for the sword and shotty, in test games we havnt had a problem of anyone grabbing both and being a total noob with them, and they give ppl a good chance of taking out anyone who maybe sniping above. Again i apologise for the spawn points -.- ill try and get them sorted asap, althogh im not sure how ill do it..
I've edited Surocco for CTF It's just to help you out a bit with the forging. I also moved the sword and shotty cus i think it plays better my way. the swords on the arch, the bubble sheild underneath. where it once was is a shotgun. The ctf stuff is sorted, if the spwan points work properly there should be no problem. I sorted out the sniper. and of course i put the CTF goals on Heres a link, should play out fine Surocco CTF
I really dont think you should do that unless he asks you to, thats just my opinion though. Anyway, I DLd and checked it out last night. I have a few problems. First off, 90 seconds is way too short of a respawn time for Camo and the OS. Also, even with only 1 spare clip, 90 seconds is VERY short for the Rocket Launcher. This is what I meant by testing the map before posting. In a test game you would have noticed that the Rockets were up very fast, every time. Now the Shottys respawn time is ok at 120, but it really shouldnt have 2 spare clips. If you get somebody in a game that is just a little skilled with that weapon, they can get a lot of kills quickly. I also dont know what was up with the sniper. Its like it was drop spawned away from the weapon holder or something. You need to fix that. 1 more thing, your spawns are still screwed up cuz I spawned up in the middle area again. I dont want to seem harsh or nothing, these are just the main problems in my opinion. Its your option to take these into consideration or not. This wasnt that bad for a first post, you will learn just as I did cuz my first map, while it looked good, it sucked cuz I knew nothing about weapon and spawn placement.
yeah i totally understand where your comin from, we are thinking about starting the map agen from scratch and spending more time on it, maybe merging things together to smoothen it out a little, although i would like to leave this 1 as it is and just change the things that need changing, i.e weapons placements/spawn times,spawn points in particular which im extremely annoyed about, having spent hours doing them for it to end up undone :s. and no i dont think u r being harsh, at the end of the day its my fault its like this lol. and zombievillain i will definately be looking into the things u have suggested as u clearly know what your talking about as ur maps have been featured etc, and i agree, i did find that some weapons were spawning too fast, but i wasnt sure if it was just me. same goes for the OS and INVIS. did u edit the spawns for CTF? cos wen i went into forge and tried to do it last night, all of the spawn points etc has been deleted and i wasnt able to place anymore on the if u could tell me how u did it id appreciate it thanks agen and sorry for all the problems with this map.
i sent you a message about it. Umm, i dunno how to explain it further really..... Zombievillan, yeah, most people usually don't go this far to help someone out with their forging, but as it's a first post... i like to help out =D just a nice guy haha.
Ya thats cool, Now that I think about it, I wish I had help like that on my first time. Its all good, maybe you guys could collaberate on a version 2 or something.
well ive made a few minor changes to the map, that u guys suggested, such as weapon times and spare clips etc. ive also moved the sword to on top of the arch way, and put the bubble shield where the sword used to be. as for the spawn points, me and m0et spent 3 hours re-doing them, starting with capture the flag, which we saved and tried and it worked fine, we went on to do oddball, whcih we sved and tried and it worked fine, and we carried on as far as VIP, where we stopped and went back through all the gametypes we had completed already, only to find that none of them were working, and after going bk into forge, we discovered that there were no spawn points/ flag markers etc, and that they had all dissapeared. if anyone knows why this has happened or how to resolve this in the future please let us know. but for now i shall be re-posting the map later on, with whatever gametypes are currently still working. i will also include a weapons/ equipment list including how many spare clips and re-spawn times etc. thanks for your support -Milk Assasin-
still having trouble As of yet, we are still unable to find a solution to the spawning problems for each gametype, and we urge anyone who knows how to resolve this to post or pm me or m0et, as we really do want to sort this out, as it ruins what we believe to be a very good map. thanks for your continued support Milk Assasin