I use opera, nothing comes close in comparison to it's speed. Everypage on the internet loads in 0.25 seconds and google is like 0.1, also with it's speed dail abilities you can bookmark your 9 favorite websites onto hotkeys for your keyboard (forgehub is #3 for me). Opera will also save your webpages if for some reason your browser decides to close off it's own free will.
On my mac, opera crashes roughly every 25 pages loaded. I don't care how fast you are, if it crashes that speed is irrelevant. I'm on an old iBook G4 and on Tiger, but I had the same problem when I downloaded it the day it came out. However, I haven't had it crash after the first two weeks of use. It has gotten better, I suppose?
Well for me, Safari 3 used to crash an awful lot more than Safari 4 Beta does now. And that's on an MBP, Mac Pro and iMac, so there must be something that's made it more reliable, at least on my systems. 3 used to crash if I had a load of tabs open, like so many it went off the bar and I had to click the arrow to see the ones at the end. 4 beta is fine with that.
Firefox is my fav for my first PC and my laptop, but it crashes way more often then my other browsers. Google Chrome was good on my PC. It was the fastest, and when you open a new bookmark, the top 9 websites you most frequently visit are posted in order for you (porn addicts, stay away). But now on my laptop, I've been using Safari. I kno, Both my pc and laptop are Microsoft, but Safari loads the quicest, is fairly fast, and looks extremely sleek and smexy :] Oh, and IE is ****, nuff said.
Firefox I just love it. Like when you press a button on Internet Explorer, it feels kinda weird. LOL. Also Firefox is the fastest on my computer.
Chrome. Its fast and easy, and prarticuarly smooth. Plus the tab system is hecka badass, the interface is simple and not cluttered.
Quite an interesting table there, always nice to have some solid numbers to work from, nice find. As for the part that I bolded, it's worth noting that FireFox has this facility as well.
IE does that too btw. I've turned on my computer, fired up IE and it's given me the option to open up the home page or restore my last session.
I think Chrome does that aswell (saves the pages). I use chrome, mainly just because it feels and looks cooler than other browsers I've used. The tab system thing always looks great aswell.
So just because yours never crashes no one else's does, either? And yet, other browsers crash maybe 3 or 4 times a year, while opera is every ten minutes.
ok enough about speed and crash rates its a little different for all computers. i like anything that runs pr0nz....jk. But honestly do you need me to say it? i also like my psp browser even though its slow and suckish tho the same can be said for IE. cleared
Opera is by far the most supperior web browser. I had IE and FF both crash on me numerous times while also slowing down my comp, and it made me want to throw my comp into a wall. Not to mention all the cool features of Opera. =]
1. Safari 4 Beta I have a Mac and it was designed for the Mac. It has a fast load time, its pretty safe, I like it. 2. Firefox I use this on PCs. Its safer than IE, although does have a longer boot time. I have it on my Mac as back-up and it works well there too but I prefer Safari on Macs to it. 3. Internet Explorer I only use this for Windows Updates and to run a proxy called UltraSurf at school (I could put a firefox add-on to run it, but I'm to lazy to). I have only used Google Chrome once, and Opera's Wii browser, so I do not have enough knowledge to rate them.